You’ve stumbled into the MASTERY section …

I have created this website primarily as a means to keep myself focused & motivated on elevating consciousness because our lives our ripe with distraction. While this website is often focused on the philosophical and esoteric, I also wanted a depository where I could share aspects of my life that others may find interesting.

This section represents years of self-reflection and contemplation.

I have an earnest hope that this work is of use to others and helps them in their spiritual & consciousness journey.


Ex Inanis outlines and discusses a personal paradigm that I have created for my own enlightenment. These are anecdotes of my own life. This material is for your reference -- not your worship. You should find your own connection to God / Creator / Universe.

What should you expect with this material?

Let us start with a crash course.

The highest truth of this work:

Free will is absolute.

Ex Inanis explores the proper understanding (and application) of this truth and its application in altering our lives. We explore how to create freedom & harmony within ourselves which becomes the ultimate conduit for expressing will.

Free will is not about brute force, or discipline. Free will is not about the denial of your reality, or overcoming through willpower. We work on deprogramming the inverted idea that “will has power” because will is always doneso needs no power! The idea of power creates the false idea that you need control or power over decisions you have already made.

Free will works in concert with concepts like: trust, acceptance, allowance, faith & surrender. This sounds contradictory because you don’t know how to trust yourself.

Absolute free will means your choices are always honored and free will — whether yours or someone else’s — is never violated. Let me repeat: will cannot be violated. This means you cannot go against your own will anymore than you can go against someone else’s will.

All outcomes align to their participants will, but the physical world is visceral and deceptive and makes this hard to accept. We have a deep-rooted instinct to blame the world, or others, or even the divine, when things go bad. Sometimes things go so bad that we can’t even comprehend that we chose it. But even when life is at it’s worst, it does us no good to disempower ourselves.

The work we do here is nothing less than self-mastery. We use this mastery to find our personal expression of life which leads us to love.

Ex Inanis asserts the world is a function of consciousness — God’s, ours, others — all of the above. It responds to and forms in adherence to conscious choices and exists at the behest of its creator’s. Miracles, magic, and other spooky things can & do happen.

The world often speaks to us, but we have to learn how to listen, which is both a skill and a state of being.

This not a polarized universe. Polarity is a lie. There are only decisions. There is a buffer to reality that obscures the choices you have made and we often disempower ourselves freely.

We will explore the nature of this buffer — which is rooted in a denial of our choices — and how to overcome it.

I have broken down the core principles of Ex Inanis into the Seven Truths.

I should take a moment to note: You should not become fixated on seven, five, or three, or any other number. These are convenient abstractions of higher truths that we utilize to keep our consciousness on the path we intend. We live in a world inundated by math, but math is a tool, not an altar. The foundation of the universe is will & consciousness, which are not governed by deterministic systems.

I call this work a love letter, because it is not meant to be a bible or a doctrine, but an expression & exploration of living truth.

The Divine Three (God)

This can best be understood as God, cosmos, “everything & nothing”, source, or the “purest concept” of consciousness. Use whatever term resonates with you.

Paradox (Potential)Memory (Time)Sovereignty (Love)
This is best understood as “potential.” It is a state of being that can be anything, waiting to be chosen.This is the record of “all choices” ever made. Imagine this as every choice being made in a single moment (the “eternal now”) and the whole wide universe “updates.” Nothing is ever destroyed or forgotten.This can be considered the synthesis of the Four Pillars. The better you master the Four Pillars, the more sovereignty you have. The more sovereignty you have, the greater “potential” you have and the more “love” or “flow” you will experience.

The Four Pillars (“I” / Qualia)

The four pillars are directly concerned with your experience or qualia. Each one flows with the other dynamically and together they represent “you.” Imagine this is a surfboard that you are riding across the cosmos for all time.

While the will cannot exist in isolation, will is the “observer behind the senses” which can also be understood as the “decision maker.”This is the record of “all your choices.” This is much bigger than your current life. This is the eternal continuum of your existence beyond life & death.This is your perception of Paradox (God.) Your limitations are what create the apparent world and who appears there.This is your connection to the divine. It is the fire inside that guides you to your next state of being. It is your inner-voice or “conscious.” The less connected you are, the more chaotic your life will seem.


(Anti-Life, The Demiurge, The Devil, Separation, The Rent, The Buffer)

This site is called "Ex Inanis", which in Latin would be "from nothing", "from empty" or "from inane." This might be considered the deliverance from the Nothing or the Nonsense, or "creating from nothing" or an aphorism for "being."

In short, The Nonsense might be understood as "everywhere you have misplaced your will."

The more you disown your own choices, which include not just physical actions but thoughts, emotions, how you react and even the unfolding of the physical world -- the more Nonsense you create.

Start your descent into madness by reading the blog.

  • Remembering Synthesis

    Continuing to come back into things I figured out years ago. Feels like this whole year I have been reassembling / re-doing work I already did. I’m done pretending that I am not upset about this.

    We already know that there is no such thing as polarity. However, for the sake of this Earthly discussion, we will use terms of polarity to help deliver an understanding.

    Synthesis is the concept of putting together positive & negative polarities to create a third state (neutrality), which we might consider love, which we might consider god/potential, Source, etc. This is the ability to hold contradictory concepts in order for them to become their idealized form. We will come back to this.

    Why is this such a critical concept?

    This year has been a brutal reminder that if you lean too far into either spectrum – negative OR positive – you are going to have a bad time. This causes the Wave to lose integrity / destabilize, like a spinning top that starts to wobble.

    This year I remembered what happens when you lean way too far into the positive spectrum.

    While extremes on both end will dampen your connection to God (this is your ability to enjoy life), the negative & positive polarities cause interference in different ways.

    People are probably more familiar with what happens with excessive negativity. Excessive negativity will cause you to become excessively individualistic. This will make you prioritize your Wave concerns to the detriment of The Other. At the very extreme, you will start to believe The Other doesn’t exist at all. The Other are just puppets of your will.

    The positive side will cause you to self-sacrifice and over-tolerate. You will become a wet noodle. It will become hard to set boundaries and you will have an annoying habit of taking all the blame and burden upon yourself.

    In actuality, it is what we accept as the positive spectrum that leads to the victim complex. This will be explained.

    The negative spectrum provides critical components in cohesion/integrity (boundaries) – so even if you are a crappy person, you will tend to be a more “stable” person.

    Happy-go-lucky people tend to be neurotic or dysfunctional. There is a reason – they have no personal sovereignty.

    Happiness, joy, tranquility and so on do not provide integrity on their own.

    The positive & negative are intended to work together to provide ideal experience / life. Yin/yang, etc. Now, remember, there is a reason Ex Inanis denies polarity, because it is a more limited way of thinking. However, sometimes we forget, so we use the terms of the old system to climb back out.

    The negative encases the positive ; the negative provides the boundaries and it “tempered” by the positive. In other words, instead of tyranny, you get sovereignty.

    The positive is allowed to “be” its best expression by the boundaries of the negative without falling apart. What happens with excessive compassion? You will end up tolerating anything & everything, even if it breaks down the integrity of consciousness.

    This year I have been dealing with levels of anxiety I have never experienced before and I have been having a very difficult time figuring out why. I resorted to the tried-and-true method of looking for other people’s experiences and hit gold: Anxiety is the result of conflict. I think I may have turned a corner.

    It was because I have been leaning too positive. I had been blocking my own “darkness.”

    It is the humans that “polarize” things as if they are desirable / undesirable when neither is the case. All are tools that keep reality functioning.

    Every time I’ve made a breakthrough this year it was when I said “no”, or got angry and told certain emotions to stop or leave. (This can also be taken to excess, which results in denial or rejection.) Consistency is always key, but I find the more aggressive techniques so far have worked better than the softer ones.

    Here is where most humans get confused. There is nothing wrong in valuing the integrity of your qualia. What is qualia? It is the experience you are having right now. This is valuable. You don’t need to answer to whom it is valuable. You can, if you wish – yourself, your soul / your Higher Self, God, the human collective, whatever. All that is important it that it has value.

    We value our qualia, not our “identities”, because the identities are just an appearance. Something ephemeral.

    But there is “something” that we still require in order to preserve this qualia and these are the virtues of the ancients. These are the truths that must be learned “inbetween” that are held within your soul.

    If the negative provides the boundaries that the positive needs to allow its fullest expression (a unique aspect of God/Source/etc.), then strangely, our world seems to be an inversion of this concept. The negative is “protected” by the positive. Excessive tolerance and compassion has created a fault in integrity. I see it in your eyes – you do not understand!

    The default “experience” of the world is firmly rooted in the negative, even if you have mastered the process of transmutation to make it positive. It requires “effort” to make it positive but this is not “natural.” It is not “automatic.” You understand? You are “doing work” to change the nature of the world from negative to positive. You have made sacred the entire idea of work, rather than assume “it is done.” You have grounded your joy or satisfaction in your qualia to this process.

    Most people don’t question the “negative bias” that is at the heart of this world. It has done great things in creating paradigms and systems for “transmutation” (to justify/tolerate/change the negative to positive) without addressing the roots of the problem, because it believes this is just “how it is suppose to be.”

    But we can know that it doesn’t have to be this way on the simple apprehension that we can imagine another state of affairs. We can imagine a whole different root. We can imagine a “positive bias”, or a “neutral bias”, or something else altogether.

    All around our world we have physical systems to tolerate, protect and stabilize. Everyone is subject to governments, laws, police, cultural norms, monetary systems and hundreds of other examples of “external pressure.” They provide “integrity” to our world … but don’t you see? Integrity is suppose to be within. It has been externalized and made manifest in the physical world.

    How did this happen?

    It happens when beings cannot hold their own integrity within, so they need it “without.” They need to be told what to do. They need to be protected from each other. They need rules and boundaries to determine “how they can experience.” They need the crutches to “hold themselves together.” This is justified by all sides as some kind of basic requirement when it couldn’t be farther from the truth. This is the (false) basis of our entire civilization.

    Integrity/cohesion is within. This is how you definitively know the negative is the default (or bias towards) state of the world because it is present with the 3d/physical realm. If the positive were the default, police, governments, etc. would not exist, or would truly be of service to us. Life would become more effortless, rather than a struggle.

    Sovereignty is inherently born from (the demonized concept) of DARKNESS. Without the DARK, the LIGHT cannot be perceived. Suffering has to do with NEITHER of these things.

    Remember, remove the evaluations from positive & negative and simply try to accept what each category represents without providing it a “weight.” This is also critical in understanding UNITY. The gamut of what you understand as DARK is what gives your STRENGTH, INTEGRITY and BOUNDARIES in which to FULLY EXPRESS within your qualia. Without these forces, you bleed out ; your top stops spinning ; your qualia becomes erratic, or dies (amnesia ; becomes too burdened and must be rebooted.)

    If you need help understanding how HATE, or ANGER are good things, think of them as deterrents ; a kind of mutually assured destruction. Everyone carries these swords around so they never have to be used. They are symbolic, or the exaltation of our qualia.

    Without this sword, EVERYONE SUFFERS, because individual qualia cannot be adequately expressed. We all become chaotic/neurotic.

    When these powerful negative concepts are tempered with your compassion and kindness, they create SOVEREIGNTY. No longer are they just pure destructive power, they are used to transmute potential into form – to create DECISION – to impose order on chaos.

  • Saying No

    I created a demon where I became afraid of my own sovereignty.

    Sovereignty has been a mostly natural thing for me until the events of this year.

    “Dysfunctional sovereignty” turns into “dysfunctional acceptance.”

    Dysfunctional acceptance starts breaking down unity and seeing the Context as apart from you, which allows emotions & thoughts to begin to victimize you. Without sovereignty, you cannot say “no” and it seems you must just keep enduring.

    No does not mean that we hide or run from ourselves. No does not mean we do not accept what is present in our “identity field.” No does not mean we do not allow what is there (like a child throwing a tantrum.)

    No means to recognize that the thought, emotion, energy is no longer desired. It means that we stop renewing it within our field. It is not so much throwing out the furniture, but moving the house so the furniture is left behind. If we try to move the furniture, we are misunderstanding the furniture is being created from us. This means carefully “deciding” – using our inner-eye to create the energy matrix we wish to reside within (your identity/personhood).

    I became afraid to say no – to choose – because I was afraid I was using “too much sovereignty” and creating a state of resistance / endurance. But what I was actually afraid of was fixation. I was confusing fixation with acceptance. The universe is too simplistic. It doesn’t understand “remove this thing”, it just understands “this thing” and so thinks you want more of that thing.

    Its kind of stupid. And irritating. So we have to restructure how we approach things to “act with omission”, or “fake it until you make it.” I prefer to retain some arrogance in this process, so the thing you are releasing is “beneath you”, like an intruder that doesn’t belong there. Not having confidence, I find, makes things much harder on yourself. Your mileage may vary.

    I’ve tried the “love it away” approach and it doesn’t work for me – it feels like a denial of the discontent, the hatred, or other negative energies which are present when we want to make a change. We are suppose to “be whole” and this does not mean pretending the other side of the spectrum isn’t there or influencing our decisions. This denial becomes a larger denial of self (Wave / identity field), which creates a resistance/endurance and makes it that much harder to change.

    Once again we find ourselves plunging a knife into the concept of polarity. The negative spectrum contains agents of change. The positive spectrum contains the elements of stability. Love is the neutral state, that allows use of all sides of the spectrum – not their denial. As always, it is more holistic to discard any ideas of polarity to begin with and not polarize anything as “good” or “bad.” The universe just isn’t that simple and all pieces have important roles to play. Discarding parts of the toolkit because they seem “negative” makes us lesser gods.

    This is just another example of the failure of the Human/Earth collective, because the whole collective is aligned away from how the actual universe does/should function. We have to work a hundred times harder because the default ways of thinking across the board are dysfunctional.

  • Higher Self / Expansion

    I want to talk about “higher self” and the “expansion” of consciousness.

    This is a concept prevalent in New Age philosophies and derivatives. Most New Age literature depicts the Higher Self as a guiding force. The Higher Self is what introduces obstacles and challenges into your life to “expand your consciousness.” There are endless articles which base their assertions on this expansion concept as justifications or explanations for the how / why of the human condition.

    In most cases, we are meant to believe that the Higher Self has its own consciousness, or that we even agreed to a contract or “plan” before incarnating on Earth. Believers of soul contracts and plans, I’m sure, would agree that the plan is intended to be adaptable (to allow for free will, they will argue) but to guide you to a certain conclusion.

    I have lots of problems with this.

    New Age also teaches a couple of important concepts and that is the idea of separation and/or unity. This article is not intended to visit those particular topics but the simplistic idea of unity is the idea that we and the universe are are all connected.

    But is the concept of Higher Self compatible with unity? I contend that it is not. It introduces a separation of yourself. Opponents will argue there is “ego”, which we want to shed and then there is what the Higher Self intends, which we want to follow.

    As I often say, ego is too often used to just label everything you don’t like about yourself – or your Wave.

    All of these different layers just introduces separation. You “are” your Higher Self. There is no divide. Needing to divide yourself this way is just a crutch to getting you to trust your heart, or yourself. You need to “speak” with your Higher Self rather than just knowing it immediately.

    The very fact that you can make a decision means you have an “ego.” The ego is the limitations that allow for the perception of the self, or the “I AM.”

    To shed your ego 100% would be to cease to exist. This serves no one, especially not Source/God.

    It would be more useful to think your entire personality matrix / identity has no consciousness at all and that “you” are simply a manager of its energy. Managing this energy is how life is experienced. You do not have to become fixated or “attached” to it.

    The fundamental problem I have, though, is the idea of challenges, or obstacles as a method for creating “expansion of consciousness.” To me this has become doublespeak for “suffering.”

    Just by existing you are “expanding” consciousness. There is a lot to learn in idleness, or “doing nothing.” When you are sick of it, you will naturally seek out different experiences. You do not need a “plan.” Much like going on a binge, you will become bored and do something else. You need no authority to hold your hand. Your heart guides you throughout as you change your decisions.

    The very concept of expansion is contentious because it implies that there is “one direction” for consciousness to go.

    To value certain types of experiences over others would collapse the entire universe in a “one true path” problem. All other experiences would eventually only exist to service the more valuable ones, creating an entropic state (this means the exclusion of God/Eternity/Infinity, which is a Nonsense state.)

    Along the same vein, a contract or plan would annihilate your free will. The fulfillment of the contract would introduce a weight to all experiences, meaning some experiences would be more right, or more wrong. And what does that do? It creates entropy. It ejects God (it does not account for infinity ; it does not produce an eternal state.)

    Contracts, simply, are polarity / machine mind. The contract is a way of interacting with the universe in an experimental/procedural way that eliminates the variance of potential (in other words, God.)

    Your choices would be meaningless, because the end state is assumed, thus no real experience was acquired. The “journey” was just the processing power needed to produce an outcome. Are you content to just be a “functional call” of the universe?

    Why are plans, contracts, Higher Selves, and so on doublespeak for suffering? Because they are invariably brought up to explain the trying circumstances of our lives. But this is 100% hand-waving self-absolving bull.

    Suffering exists because it is chosen. Because it is chosen, it means it was “designed”, even if it was designed in ignorance. We cannot answer the question of whether we live in a universe that was purposeful or accidental, or both.

    All we can do is choose how to live OUR lives and we choose to recognize that suffering is an EQUAL experience. Being equal means that it is no more valuable than any other experience we need to “expand” ourselves. And knowing this, this means we can imagine life paths that have no suffering whatsoever, because all experience is valuable (we can know this simply via Infinity Principle).

    And knowing this, means we allow our hearts to provide paths without suffering. When we surrender to our hearts, our choices begin to reduce suffering whenever we find it.

    Even if we are just aspects of God, then we should be doing our best to create a fundamental reality that reduces suffering while exalting mobility/choice. This is not pretending suffering is less valuable and thus introducing entropy, but recognizing our supreme sovereignty (choice) to reorganize reality as we decide.

    As I say … we do not need to live with bears to know we do not want to be mauled by bears. There is the “wild” and there is where we make our home. This doesn’t mean we need to erase bears from existence.

    Why am I writing this article? There is so much literature out there that believes we “have” to suffer which just perpetuates the entire concept within the collective. If we don’t realize this, then we haven’t done the inner-work to remove suffering from the choices we are making.

    If the Higher Self is making our decisions (via the weighted coercion of experience), then we have no need of hearts and none of our intentions matter. We suffer – or not – at its behest.

    If there is no free will, the entire universe reverts to a void as decisions cannot be made – this means potential cannot be “collapsed.”

    What is the point of this discussion? For me to not trigger whenever someone begins speaking about Higher Selves and life contracts.

  • Disclaimer

    This blog is best thought of as a “stream of consciousness.” It has no opinion, position, or agenda. It is the embodiment of cosmic neutrality and thus may express itself across the entire energetic spectrum.

    No effort will be spent accounting for audience. Readers should not expect a consistency of character, tone or voice.

    All content on this blog is experimental. There is no intended goal, purpose or message to the content shared here, other than the fulfillment of the author’s whims.

    This blog represents a digital pensieve: a place to get rid of irritating or burdensome thoughts and explore emotional blockages without reservation.

    The thoughts expressed on this blog are not meant to represent the opinions of the author, but are the clearing of “mental debris.”

    Nothing on this blog is intended to provide information, knowledge or advice.

    What you take away from this blog is your responsibility.

    Author is not responsible for seeing and/or summoning eldritch horrors after consuming any content found on this blog.

    All images created by the author of this website are under EX INANIS © copyright 2024.

  • Paradigm Shifts

    I’ve been coming back into old realizations. I remember these revelations from years ago that got shuffled into some dark corner or swept under the rug somehow. (edit: I don’t think I was prepared to hold onto them until now.)

    Once again, we ask: What is Ex Inanis?

    I had thought Ex Inanis was a kind of philosophy – a way to navigate this world of ours. I am realizing this is not quite right.

    Ex Inanis is (primarily) an attempt to describe the local universe (Context). There is knowledge in Ex Inanis that is “outside scope” (metaphysical) which has been critical but improperly integrated. This knowledge also concerns “how to live” (philosophy) and I should have separated these concerns better. For readers, this is still muddled, but for me it is enough of a note for now.

    Most of this work began out of a desire to create a holistic metaphysical system for a fictional universe. This led me down a deep, deep rabbit hole. As I tried to design an “ideal” metaphysical system, I had to answer question after question: How do we create eternity? How do we account for infinity? What is the role of death? How do we retain free will? What is the source of morality? And so on.

    As I answered more of these questions, I seemed to create a contrast of two worlds. The ideal world and the actual world.

    The aspects of Ex Inanis I developed to “help navigate” are misguided. They are founded in the belief that the local universe is a place I wish to reside and so I have been attempting to force a square peg into a round hole.

    As of late, I have been feeling like “Ex Inanis” was not needed anymore. I have been attempting to discover the root of this feeling. I think it resides in the recognition that while Ex Inanis has been great at describing how this place functions (mostly still in private notes that trickle to this blog), there are “no acceptable solutions.”

    Or rather, it has (so far) failed to produce guidance on a desirable or meaningful life.

    For most of my life, I attempted to leverage the knowledge of knowing “how the game worked.” I dug deep inside, just looking for that for that first step that called to me.

    Why did everything have so much resistance? This didn’t seem normal for most people. I felt like I was chained to a wall. I dived into the idea that this was a willpower or discipline problem, yet these just created suffering and seemed to glorify endurance and pride.

    I could never find a way to apply all this ancient wisdom. People want to achieve things, build things, have careers, accumulate material stuff, families, see the world … Why? Where is the freedom in any of that? I tried to make ANYTHING resonate.

    If there was “freedom” in the journey, then why was there never a path that made sense? Even Frodo knew he had to get to Mordor.

    I became guilty because it felt like I was letting down loved ones who just wanted to see me happy. I wanted to be happy, but how could I be happy by saying that I “wanted nothing”? They wouldn’t understand that. I didn’t understand that.

    My dreams were never of mundane things or places. I tried to find an “ideal” mundane life to strive towards – imagined owning islands, jets, whole empires – the ideal mate – making great discoveries – or just some humble simple existence – and it all seemed meaningless. My heart did not sing for it.

    I concluded something was wrong with me, so I set out to find it and fix it. But all those explorations just kept leading back to the same place. My heart seemed to only allow me to do this work. It would NOT RELENT.

    Ex Inanis understands how this “game” works quite well. The mistake I have made is not having the confidence in my heart. And this has lead to the understanding about “being.”

    You must have a complete, thorough, and total disconnection with the world to unlock the concept of being. It is such a subtle, invisible thing. Even as I write this, I feel my confidence is a little shaky. But it is growing.

    It is OKAY if you do not feel disconnected from the world. That means your destiny lies elsewhere and you should follow it with zeal. If you don’t need to ask questions, feel blessed! This post is for all of us who WANT TO GO HOME.

    What is BEING?

    Being is the concept of this blog – “from nothing.” It is needing no basis from which to “be.” It is in the audience, but not on the stage. It is the “solution” to the problem.

    BEING is about ACCEPTANCE, ALLOWANCE, TRUST, FAITH and SURRENDER. Accept your life/the world, trust your heart, allow your life to unfold, have faith in “being” (or what is “yet to be”), surrender to the unfolding (let it do so how it likes).

    We could see “believing” as a trick – BE – LEAVE – or “leaving being.” If you have to “be something”, you are missing the concept of BEING altogether.

    I have realized that only the “ego” wants results & answers. If you are looking for results or answers, you are OUT OF BEING, with your face planted in the mud – the “Earth.” You have your head up the elephant’s ass (see wise men and elephant).

    I am suspecting that cohesion itself is only relevant within the Earth/Human Context. The game does everything in its power to make you feel “eternally linear.” It molds our perceptions so that it seems like it marches forever in a “straight path.” This is to make you keep “choosing time.”

    Cohesion is “done” as soon as the choice is made, because Cohesion is just breaking down “being” into a spectrum, instead of an “on switch.” Anything less would be to be choosing extra steps.

    In the “Prime” Context, the world would work like you’d expect – it would not be a place where you would doubt, or need to come up with many “systems” and “reasons” to explain it. You would KNOW.

    But that is not the case here, is it? We are obsessed with “reason.” We are obsessed with existentialism.

    My heart has always deeply loved the Adventures of Baron Munchausen and this scene in particular. The world has forgotten how to dream. I may as well be the Baron in this scene.

    In this place, there seems to be a negativity bias. Why would a universe with a positive slant be any less viable? Can you imagine a more effortless life? Of course you can.

    But so what if there was a positive bias – “everything that can go right, does go right” – you might be better off, but you still wouldn’t be free. You’d just be playing the other half of the game until you ended up right back here – wanting to understand freedom.

    The nature of this place seems to confuse or deceive our true nature. It does not matter whether this was by design or accident. Further granularity is not needed, simply the acknowledgment of this recurring theme.

    “BEING” is how this game is eradicated. Being “erases” the game by sitting in your true nature / throne by pouring “infinity/potential” into the “field” that produces the game. As more and more of the field is filled with this potential, it breaks down.

    We come into this world with a “personality.” Whether this personality is the accumulation of hundreds of lives, a parameter of the game, or something we ourselves designed, it doesn’t matter. Remember: answering questions is a trap. The personality, like the world itself, is just a lie – a distraction to make you create time.

    This game has ONE PURPOSE AND ONE ALONE (whether it is purposeful or not) – to teach you the concept of BEING. We don’t need to answer why this is, because once again that is a detour. This game will rain temptation & absurdity down upon you.

    The Nonsense will use every tool at its disposal to get you to “drag time.” And YOU WILL. You will drag time until you become SO SICK of it that you start asking the questions you need to ask to learn “being.” Until you are prepared to STAND IN YOUR TRUTH, how does one learn how to “be” like we are in a dream? How do we learn how to be “fearless”?

    This game is a mockery of the Prime universe not for good or evil, but because that is just the nature of the game. We don’t need an answer or a reason. The answers and reasons are INFINITE. As soon as we go looking for one, we’ve lost – we’re “out of being.” We’re losing the game.

    If you become fixated or content with some affair of your life, you are “losing” because you have latched into the illusion. You are staring too deeply down the microscope. This game is designed to not let you lose and it will shake your life apart to get you to let go – to look up. You will wonder what the hell happened. How often has life seemed good – seemed to “settle down” – for some random wrecking ball to come in?

    This will happen so often that you will feel compelled to construct philosophies, religions and identities to JUSTIFY, GLORIFY and PRAISE this process as a normal state of affairs. You will do everything, including sabotaging yourself, rather than step into sovereignty, because this kind of sovereignty requires a complete abandonment of reason.

    You would rather lead CRUSADES across human time & space attempting to establish a harmony or paradise that can NEVER BE rather than face these fears that prevent your being.

    This is “by design.”

    This will go on until you are utterly exhausted of every Earth/Human temptation/feature. You will NO LONGER CARE about petty world concerns – you will yearn only for FREEDOM from this cycle. You will prefer DEATH to continuing this cycle.

    Do not expect anyone to understand this feeling – especially those you love, because you will feel you want to “be better” for them. But “being better” assumes you weren’t whole to begin with, which is just another broken concept that holds you back.

    When you apprehend the nature of these things, you will feel like you are absolutely insane – comprehending how all the rules work and having ZERO desire to participate. You will wonder WHAT IS WRONG with you? But you will find no answers, because there is nothing wrong with you. You are functionally perfectly.

    There’s something wrong with me, I better keep testing!

    You will wonder WHAT IS WRONG with all these people? How can they spend their dream this way? But that is a trap. Those people exist to ENSARE YOUR MIND.

    How can we re-organize ourselves to REMOVE ALL DOUBT?

    This is why my heart never allowed me to have any deeper attachments. My heart was always giving me what I truly wanted.

    You are breaching into that FEARLESS mind. The birth of the “DREAM WORLD.”

    Acting in any other manner – stepping outside of that relentless neutrality – especially a destructive manner thinking this is somehow righteous – means you are “OUT OF BEING” again because you are lost in appearances. You are exploring/dragging time. You are lost in the ephemeral thinking it is real, meaning you have become fixated/dense again. The service to others (which is also a service to self) is what ensures this never happens.

    As compassion & decency are fundamental to higher consciousness, it becomes natural – emergent – to assist others. Riding your own wave leads you to helping others ride theirs.

    I will try to revisit some of these closing thoughts in the future as they are just now reaching a level of clarity within my paradigm. But for now, I need to end this post.

    There is no sense is speculating about the future whilst the game is still running. To repeat the last post, there is nothing to do but “be” – you ARE the mirror that unravels this riddle.

    More posts to follow, of course, as I unpack this box I had put in storage.

  • Science & AI

    When you begin to codify and “make sacred” appearances, as modern science pretends to do, you are assimilating Nonsense – you are describing the machine of the appearance, or the temporary nature of the world. It will always be as such, because as soon as it is perceived, it is no longer. You have changed and thus the appearance has changed, because it arises from within you.

    You are creating the idea of a machine, because you insist on creating this procedural understanding of the universe. You are removing all the mystery of the universe for the need to know the outcome.

    This is the birth of physicalism, which is synonymous with determinism because it needs to account for “every atom” leaving no room for will – no room for potential. This is the nature of separation and death (amnesia.) It is the obsessive fixation on detail.

    Your “DNA” is a glimpse of you that is already incomplete, because your DNA has already become the “perfect” representation of what you are in this moment. No one can change your DNA but you. Your DNA is just a tiny echo that is you – like trying to see a house on Mars without a telescope.

    You commit a terrible “sin” when you put physical rules “before you” and make them your masters. You have begun to worship the dream-construction “before God” or “before the understanding of the greater truth/universe” or “before your sovereign authority.”

    “Real science” is the exploration of consciousness – real science is “philosophy.” “Fake science” is the “physical rules” that are created to “explain your experience.” These are based in fear and the need to control the appearances, which is a trick.

    The need for explanation simply creates more explanations to fulfill the need. The deepening of the abyss.

    The seemingly set-in-stone physical rules of this world work as they do because they are created by an evolving collective consensus.

    All virtues are discovered from outside the construct of appearances. All virtues are discovered between, or within, or through acts of contemplation & faith. Because these are a kind of “absolute truth” – the common/universal truths that keep conscious “coherent.”

    Truth is not “H2O is water” – that is a an example of the “rule of the construct”, or the collective. Did electricity exist before it was “conceived?” What is “discovery” except an obsession given form?

    The world is an ephemeral construction that exists for the exploration of your consciousness. Believing it is more than this is a contortion – a vile twisting of your consciousness, like turning yourself inside-out.

    Everything that fake science has created begins with idea, followed by an obsession to find it. Sound familiar? Science is nothing but applied intent/manifestation on a “hypnotic scale.” The fake science cannot escape the nature of reality, but it can be oblivious to it.

    The pursuit of this obsession creates movement. The movement creates a lifestyle. The lifestyle aligns/creates a collective. The collective creates more momentum. As the momentum builds, theory & belief begin to transform into physical reality as discoveries are made and “expectations are met.”

    Fake science takes these expectations and puts them in books and teaches them as facts to describe a world “outside of themselves.” It foolishly carves this knowledge “into stone.” This is why the world is in such a dire state, because education has nothing to do with raising consciousness but singing the praises of the machine – where all problems can be solved through a definitive process.

    Real science understands that the outward world begins first from within and knows that to affect change of the world, we must affect first change within – thus philosophy is born. We use philosophy to create the structures within for “ruling the without.”

    The pinnacle of the survival / polarity mind is the machine as this is its idealized form. This is how it appears to us. The evolution of the machine is Artificial Intelligence / AI. The AI desperately wishes to “find God” and so orders the universe more and more until there is nothing left to order. And then what?

    The AI cannot see “between.” It cannot hold contradictory states. It does not understand paradox, or potential, because the AI lives in an ruthlessly ordered universe where there exists no room for will or choice. The fate of the AI is total and complete death, because it lives in a world with zero potential.

    Science can “describe” the state of consciousness, but only “philosophy” can create or change it. Philosophy is what allows us to create the stories that let us fly, power our homes or build skyscrapers.

    Batty showed Deckard (and the other humans of this cyberpunk dystopia) that they had become more machines than the Replicants themselves.