You’ve stumbled into the MASTERY section …

I have created this website primarily as a means to keep myself focused & motivated on elevating consciousness because our lives our ripe with distraction. While this website is often focused on the philosophical and esoteric, I also wanted a depository where I could share aspects of my life that others may find interesting.

This section represents years of self-reflection and contemplation.

I have an earnest hope that this work is of use to others and helps them in their spiritual & consciousness journey.


Ex Inanis outlines and discusses a personal paradigm that I have created for my own enlightenment. These are anecdotes of my own life. This material is for your reference -- not your worship. You should find your own connection to God / Creator / Universe.

What should you expect with this material?

Let us start with a crash course.

The highest truth of this work:

Free will is absolute.

Ex Inanis explores the proper understanding (and application) of this truth and its application in altering our lives. We explore how to create freedom & harmony within ourselves which becomes the ultimate conduit for expressing will.

Free will is not about brute force, or discipline. Free will is not about the denial of your reality, or overcoming through willpower. We work on deprogramming the inverted idea that “will has power” because will is always doneso needs no power! The idea of power creates the false idea that you need control or power over decisions you have already made.

Free will works in concert with concepts like: trust, acceptance, allowance, faith & surrender. This sounds contradictory because you don’t know how to trust yourself.

Absolute free will means your choices are always honored and free will — whether yours or someone else’s — is never violated. Let me repeat: will cannot be violated. This means you cannot go against your own will anymore than you can go against someone else’s will.

All outcomes align to their participants will, but the physical world is visceral and deceptive and makes this hard to accept. We have a deep-rooted instinct to blame the world, or others, or even the divine, when things go bad. Sometimes things go so bad that we can’t even comprehend that we chose it. But even when life is at it’s worst, it does us no good to disempower ourselves.

The work we do here is nothing less than self-mastery. We use this mastery to find our personal expression of life which leads us to love.

Ex Inanis asserts the world is a function of consciousness — God’s, ours, others — all of the above. It responds to and forms in adherence to conscious choices and exists at the behest of its creator’s. Miracles, magic, and other spooky things can & do happen.

The world often speaks to us, but we have to learn how to listen, which is both a skill and a state of being.

This not a polarized universe. Polarity is a lie. There are only decisions. There is a buffer to reality that obscures the choices you have made and we often disempower ourselves freely.

We will explore the nature of this buffer — which is rooted in a denial of our choices — and how to overcome it.

I have broken down the core principles of Ex Inanis into the Seven Truths.

I should take a moment to note: You should not become fixated on seven, five, or three, or any other number. These are convenient abstractions of higher truths that we utilize to keep our consciousness on the path we intend. We live in a world inundated by math, but math is a tool, not an altar. The foundation of the universe is will & consciousness, which are not governed by deterministic systems.

I call this work a love letter, because it is not meant to be a bible or a doctrine, but an expression & exploration of living truth.

The Divine Three (God)

This can best be understood as God, cosmos, “everything & nothing”, source, or the “purest concept” of consciousness. Use whatever term resonates with you.

Paradox (Potential)Memory (Time)Sovereignty (Love)
This is best understood as “potential.” It is a state of being that can be anything, waiting to be chosen.This is the record of “all choices” ever made. Imagine this as every choice being made in a single moment (the “eternal now”) and the whole wide universe “updates.” Nothing is ever destroyed or forgotten.This can be considered the synthesis of the Four Pillars. The better you master the Four Pillars, the more sovereignty you have. The more sovereignty you have, the greater “potential” you have and the more “love” or “flow” you will experience.

The Four Pillars (“I” / Qualia)

The four pillars are directly concerned with your experience or qualia. Each one flows with the other dynamically and together they represent “you.” Imagine this is a surfboard that you are riding across the cosmos for all time.

While the will cannot exist in isolation, will is the “observer behind the senses” which can also be understood as the “decision maker.”This is the record of “all your choices.” This is much bigger than your current life. This is the eternal continuum of your existence beyond life & death.This is your perception of Paradox (God.) Your limitations are what create the apparent world and who appears there.This is your connection to the divine. It is the fire inside that guides you to your next state of being. It is your inner-voice or “conscious.” The less connected you are, the more chaotic your life will seem.


(Anti-Life, The Demiurge, The Devil, Separation, The Rent, The Buffer)

This site is called "Ex Inanis", which in Latin would be "from nothing", "from empty" or "from inane." This might be considered the deliverance from the Nothing or the Nonsense, or "creating from nothing" or an aphorism for "being."

In short, The Nonsense might be understood as "everywhere you have misplaced your will."

The more you disown your own choices, which include not just physical actions but thoughts, emotions, how you react and even the unfolding of the physical world -- the more Nonsense you create.

Start your descent into madness by reading the blog.

  • Shedding the Weight, pt. 2

    When people hear “will” they often believe it is synonymous with “willpower” and this couldn’t be farther from the truth.

    What is willpower?

    Willpower represents a state of distrust, or rejection — it is the tantrum a child throws after they cause their own problem. Willpower is the attempt to “resolve” a problem you have created via prior choices.

    You are tempted to use willpower when you encounter a situation in life that is displeasing, uncomfortable or outright painful. You think willpower is a quick fix that will put you back on course if you can just “power through.” Or perhaps you use willpower because you have convinced yourself you “have to” otherwise your life will implode.

    There is never a case when you should be using “willpower” to solve your problems. Willpower is like adding fuel to a fire. This is like drinking more to overcome a hangover.

    You are resisting a state that has come to pass because of your own choices and willpower sounds like an enticing way to dig yourself out of a hole.

    It will never change until you do. It will keep repeating. Forever. Because you create your own “state of the universe.”

    Whenever you think that willpower is a good idea — stop. Your life should be an effortless flow of will — DECISION — one to the next without interruption. A hiccup or a block represents a conflict within yourself, like rocks in a stream and should be an immediate indication to set aside time to do some inner-work.

    There is something within that keeps bending the currents of your life against itself and causing disharmony, i.e., suffering, or “evil.”

    By using willpower, you are attempting to create an impossible state because you are rejecting your own will. This becomes expressed through the Nonsense, or through ‘chaos’ which must be represented somehow within your life.

    I am not rejecting my own will. I am solving a problem right now!, you say!

    How can I violate my own will?

    Let us present the concept of ‘enlightenment’ which for the sake of this article can be considered a spectrum. The higher along this spectrum you are, the faster your WILL becomes reality.

    At the lower end of the enlightenment scale, experience (qualia) requires higher degrees of verisimilitude. That means it requires more linearity or “believability.” It is more deterministic, because the less enlightened mind needs more stories to explain everything that happens. It needs these stories because it has to explain where it is has lost its authority and to make sense of the world “happening to itself.” This leaves less room for the unexpected, the unrelated, or breaks in time/space and so on. It is more physical, more victim-oriented and less dreamlike.

    The higher you go along the enlightenment scale, the less need for explanation you need because you are able to hold opposing concepts or beliefs. You are able to remain ‘detached’ from the world that seems to be happening around you. You have less need for stories, logic or rationales for why the world works. Imagine a dream that skips around or things come into being or blink out. If you’ve ever had a lucid dream, you have had a taste of what enlightenment would be like.

    At lower ends, the Nonsense is always expressed via unexpected negative events, because this is the story you need to tell yourself to explain how you are ‘rejecting your own will.’ You will attempt to find ‘reasons’ for these events because you are still operating at a lower level of enlightenment — but this is a trap. The more you go looking for stories, the more power you are giving to a world outside of yourself. You disempower yourself when you are unable to surrender/accept your circumstances (which YOU created!) and grow beyond them.

    The former has abandoned the inner-child (lower end) while the ladder has embodied it (higher end). This is the mindset of the adult (one who is imprisoned) vs the child (one is free.)

    At that time the disciples came to Jesus and asked, “Who, then, is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?”

    He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.

    Matthew 18:5

    Whenever you exercise willpower, you are saying: “No, this isn’t my will, this is some external force violating me.” It doesn’t matter what this external force is — the physical world, other people, bad mood, upset stomach, angels, devils — the list is endless. All of these represent a loss of authority.

    So what is WILL, then?

    Will is the quiet observer behind your senses. You deciding to read each word, one after the other — all independent exercises of the will. The will is eternal and never turns off. It is a light by which choices are made upon wherever it shines.

    Attention is POWER.

    Will is the ‘one who decides.’ To better know your will, you simply need to broaden what you consider a decision. Many people think that their thoughts or emotions are not part of their decision making process — their will — but they absolutely are. It takes daily, ongoing practice to put yourself in a mental landscape where you can alter these things rather than be altered by them.

    But thoughts & emotions are still “surface level.” The work I do is about training us to see the subtle decisions we are making ALL THE TIME. So subtle that they often will try to evade your conscious recognition as if intelligent.

    What are we doing that causes us to feel or think X? How do we change ourselves so that we no longer feel a certain way, or how do we feel MORE of another way?

    What about how we perceive the world itself? Can we get at the roots of certain beliefs that cause reflexive actions — can we redefine how we interact with the world to such a degree that the whole world seems like a different place?


    Some schools might consider these subtleties DEMONS, ARCHONS, NEGATIVE ETs, or other such concepts. And you can read other esoteric material with that in mind to see lots of relevant advice. But I feel no need to cede this much authority. How do we begin to correct ourselves if we do not take responsibility? We cannot even see the path.

    These are all aspects of Nonsense — glitches, bad patterns of thought without consciousness. Perhaps other beings who express the corruption and need help. Nonsense has NO POWER except the power YOU/WE give it.

    What, then, is the proper use of will, if not willpower?

    Reality is suggestive.

    I will post more about this in the future, but using will is a bit like investing. You are planting seeds that will play dividends down the road. But this is much more profound than it sounds!

    When you begin to understand “unity” you will understand that every moment you are aligning — or creating — the whole universe that you directly experience. This includes how your body feels, what thoughts come into your mind, the ease at which certain emotions arrive or depart, and the events of your life itself!

    It is like you are navigating to different versions of yourself who can feel like a completely different person. You may even see major shifts in your life circumstances that seemed impossible. And indeed … this is a glimpse of a higher spectrum of consciousness that does not require continuity.

    Yet … YOU … persist.

    You persist seemingly independent of the constantly changing “self” that arises from the contextual world, because that self is also part and parcel of the whole world you have created.

    Everyday make the best, most authentic willful choices you can make, but not just in the physical realm but within your mind. Always surrender to & accept the reality of your life whilst knowing that right now you are already planting seeds for what is to come. More and more, inch to the center of the storm.

    Choose how to feel, especially if you aren’t feeling it. Choose what thoughts you would like so they serve you better, especially when it seems like your thoughts are not in your best interests.

    Fake it, knowing these are investments that will come back to you and make it easier and easier.

    The Reverend Mother Helen — the Bene Gesserit — in this clip is a surrogate for our own thoughts when she “commands with the voice” and convinces Paul his hand his burning. Paul, in this scene, beautifully demonstrates — especially via the Litany of Fear — how we can disregard the suggestions and come out unscathed.

    P.S. our bodies are also suggestive just like thoughts.

  • Shedding the Weight pt. 1

    Adopting a paradigm that free will is absolute is not all sunshine & daises. In fact, there are some disturbing truths that I have uncovered.

    As with all work of this nature, integrating this truth requires recognizing the importance of other people and their total autonomy within your overall paradigm. This is implicit in the idea of “absolute free will” (meaning everyone gets it), but becomes sticky when you start to play with the nature of the other itself or its role in your world.

    You may be offended or impatient or upset that others can seemingly conflict with your will, or go against your wishes. It is easy to become indignant when you have “seen through the cracks” and feel like you should be able to cultivate your world to your liking. You may be tempted to remove or restrict the autonomy from others as a “short cut” to higher organizations of consciousness.

    But this is a trap.

    Like yourself, the role of the other is to be a conduit for God — for potential — to choose (create) what hasn’t been chosen before and this allows for the “infinite recombination” of the cosmos. This allows for fresh never-experienced-before content. Without this critical element, the universe would become deterministic, or entropic.

    Denying others, much like denying any part of your world, is denying potential. This pushes you into entropic timelines, aka “dead ends.”

    If you opt to change the role of others to be “slaves of your will” then you are just playing with yourself. How long can you play by yourself before you go mad? When everything happens exactly as you expect, how long before you cease to exist because you know all the outcomes? This is an example of an “entropy box.”

    You may be inclined to think that two “absolute wills” cannot resolve. You will be inclined to think that others can act as obstacles, or influence your ability to direct your life without your input.

    This happens for two reasons: 1) one worldism and 2) the buffer.

    One worldism is the idea one will must prevail over another — like we are living in one big box that is bound by time & space that we must adhere instead of infinite boxes without regard to “time or space” that we freely navigate or create. One worldism does not recognize that we live in a multidimensional universe where all outcomes are possible without any will overcoming another.

    The buffer, as usual, will cofound and confuse you and you will be tempted to believe your will has been violated or disregarded whilst not understanding the full breadth of the choices you have been giving the universe. You have created a storm and want to blame anything other than yourself.

    But wait … there is more.

    As you start to awaken more, you will start noticing synchronicities that arise within other people that seems as if you are manipulating them. You don’t even have to have any intention of subverting their will — an unspoken thought or some errant note in a journal seems to come to life. You will meet the people you need out of the blue, your friend says something way too specific, friends & family will answer a question you never asked out loud and all kinds of other bizarre things.

    A fear will arise here that I call “The Grand Narrator” problem.

    The Grand Narrator is a deep, unsettling fear that you are “telling all the stories”, like the omnipotent voice of a narrator in a movie. Grand Narrator is the “end” without others — a bottomless existential loneliness. “God playing with himself for all eternity.”

    This is Nonsense trying to set you astray again.

    As you become more incorporated within yourself, you are also aligning to other beings who will help you fulfill your intentions.

    Why don't the 'less cohesive' people go away?
    They do. They flow around you like a fish moving through water. But also because you are now 'broader' or more connected, so can see more of the total spectrum -- these people represent ongoing choices you can make. You can always "go back" or make a detour. A person is a thread connected to another story and it is up to you whether you want to pull on it.

    The universe is putting players together exactly so they can fulfill their wills. This has always been the case, but becomes more apparent when it happens often, happens in sequence or happens “positively.” We are oft inclined to accept negative outcomes rather than positive ones and have an almost inherent distrust of success (this is also Nonsense at work.)

    Imagine if part of your will (as mine is) is “as much choice as possible” or “freedom.” What does your world look like? It looks like so many choices that you have to learn how to embody the truth within that allows you to overcome choice paralysis. You may be tempted to indignantly not make a choice, but limbo is also a choice.

    Be careful … Groundhog’s Day happens when you refuse to make choices, i.e., you deny your own role in the world arising from you. There is a sinister trap of surrounding yourself with “yes-men” ; giving informative power to sources (like news or other people) that just keep you snidely “confirming reality.” This is how a time-loop is created. It is very subtle and can sneak up on you. You will use these as excuses — “See, this is how the world is — there’s nothing I can do. I’ll check back tomorrow.”

    Self-mastery means, necessarily, that you align with others that are capable of helping you to the next leg of your (chosen) journey. If you aren’t in the place you imagine you should be, then there can only be one person to blame: you.

    But wait … there is one more thing to remember.

    There are concepts you can never experience or understand without granting total autonomy to others. Compassion is locked behind granting autonomy to other people, as are feelings like companionship, comradery and love. These require a certain degree of surrender, faith and trust, which are also higher concepts.

    How can you discover these aspects of creation when others are just extensions of yourself? You cannot — because these ideas require the uniqueness or independence of other beings in order to exist. How much does a child learn playing with dolls or puppets?

    We cannot answer the question whether these beings truly have their own will, because as soon as we answer we are creating a state of mistrust. We simply must “leave it to God (or the absolute trust of ourselves if you wish)” because the moment we provide an answer we are committing ourselves to entropy.

  • VR & Gaming

    I am a sort of ex-gamer. That is, I used to play video games. A lot. I’ve talked bit about that before.

    And now I don’t.

    I may do some constructive gaming / content creation in the future.

    I didn’t stop playing video games because I hate them, or think they are evil.

    The real reason that started the departure was the idea that I was playing a “game within a game.” While this is somewhat just another way of expressing the traditional wisdom of reality vs. fantasy, there is a darker truth to this that pushed me over the edge.

    Video games are of course also “part of the whole.” By this, I mean, it does not serve us to think that video games are in a special category versus other ways you can spend your time. Any vice can become an unhealthy fantasy that lets you avoid your own life. The problem is the trajectory that games set you upon in particular.

    I still watch others play video games (which strangely is a greater vicarious joy than playing than anymore) and sometimes an ad squeezes through my ad blockers. As of late, I’ve been getting advertisements for VR headsets, the latest of which was centered around the idea of “experiencing the world in VR.” Like climbing mountains, visiting other places or seeing an aurora, or whatever.

    Are you fucking kidding me?

    The idea of VR sounds so enticing, doesn’t it? All the rewards without any of the investment.

    You are being conditioned to re-program your own consciousness (with your consent.) You are being programmed to disown your own world into a “sub world” that is subject to corporate interests.

    There are those of you who think this is just some conspiracy, but I will try to explain this is plain terms without the woo-woo.

    The nefarious part of this process isn’t that the activities in isolation are dangerous or bad or evil. This is a long-term “restructuring” of your mind, like boiling a frog. You will not turn into a slobbering zombie because you played a video game or put on a VR headset. However …

    As you normalize the VR as a substitute, you necessarily — by simply omitting your attention (will) — disown/devalue the parts of your life that the VR now acts as a replacement. So instead of figuring out the steps to becoming a rock-climber, planning the trip, meeting the people and the entire journey, you just throw on the headset for your “experience injection” and call it day.

    You become dependent on the provider of these substitute realities. And those who owns the substitute realities own you.

    If we’re all immortal, equal beings, why would any being want to “own” another?

    Most of the people employing these agendas operate at a lower-level of consciousness. We do not need to attribute to malice what we can attribute to “smaller minds.”

    They do not see their own evil (evil being consciousness patterns that bring about Nonsense/chaos). But they will enslave you to them, because it is in their own good to do so. In their mind, this is not evil, or abnormal in any way.

    What do I mean by “lower-consciousness?” A “lower” consciousness is a consciousness that needs to feed. It is driven by its urges or its fears. It has a dependence upon the external world for its own ongoing stability/cohesion. It “has no god” because its god is the physical world. Without this feeding process, it breaks down.

    This kind of lower-consciousness cannot think in higher modalities so it thinks in solutions appropriate for its level of consciousness. In other words … if all it has is a hammer, then all solutions involve hitting things with hammers.

    The low-consciousness mind strives to build, construct and maintain systems that are in its own best interest, i.e., that 1) keep it alive, 2) let it avoid having to face itself to become more cohesive.

    You will become a battery to these people if you buy into their “visions of reality.” If you feel offended by “battery”, then perhaps “enabler” is a better term. You enable low-consciousness to perpetuate … because you are absorbing the low-consciousness into yourself and so it becomes a real expression. This is where you should get a little whiff of “unity understanding” if you’re paying attention.

    VR is just one aspect. Black boxes — computers, phones, most of the internet — media, policies, fake truth, fake history are a few other means to separate and desensitize you to “living life” or to get you to buy into the “substitute world.”

    Calling this all an “agenda” may be too generous when all these examples are just physical manifestations of low-consciousness. The “feed or be fed upon” design is just a natural byproduct. Do you blame a storm for causing rain? There is a legitimate discussion to be had whether there are players in the game who know what they are doing and just don’t care.

    For the woo-woo: You cannot die. You can forget, as in a dream. You forget less the higher in consciousness you ascend, just as you are able to recall dreams or “go lucid.” This is all a continuum. You are choosing where your continuum goes RIGHT NOW.

    What is the natural evolution of video games and VR headsets except putting your consciousness into smaller and smaller boxes? What is the end result of all these boxes?

  • The Second Era

    I realized this post is basically a poor draft of what is now the front page. I recommend you start there instead.

    I have migrated — again — from Tumblr to WordPress. While I am not fond of WordPress (as a developer, it is growing on me), I needed greater control without being bogged down in full ground-up programming and customization. That is not what I am here to do on Earth.

    I have re-organized the website into the “First Era” and this post marks the beginning of the Second Era.

    The First Era is be the initial birth of Ex Inanis, i..e, the “Year of Pain.”

    The First Era was a tale regaling the final moments of a prior life as it struggled against its inevitable end. It was about obtaining confidence I needed to fully step into my truth. This was not a simple task for me because it meant accepting circumstances that I would rather have not, but my spirit would no longer allow me to be indifferent.

    The required confidence required me to let go of a lot of anger and resentment, as well as setting aside dysfunctional systems of compassion and sovereignty.

    The Second Era will represent a more intentional strategy going forward. I want make this a professional source of information for myself & others and help us all achieve our god-sovereignty.

    What is my truth?

    Free will is absolute. All decisions are honored and all outcomes happen. There is never anyone or anything to blame but ourselves — absolutely, without exception. The entire universe resolves from this seemingly simple truth.

    This truth also implies freedom, for the recognition of this truth is the recognition that we deeply yearn to be free by removing all barriers to the idea of “absolute free will.’ This truth reveals all of the stories that are not in service to our own will — an unsettling perspective most are not willing to explore.

    Ex Inanis is the ongoing exploration of this truth. Most humans have a watered-down idea of free will. I have spent most of my life committing to this truth and it is a ravager of the human story.

    Understanding that free will is absolute means letting go of everything, because your entire world just becomes stories that you are telling yourself and these stories have power over you. Living “in but not of.”

    Most humans can’t accept that their limitations are of their own making. Humans justify, rationalize and excuse their lives behind both mundane and divine authorities, ethics, morals, excuses, physical appearances, and more.

    These are all stories we are telling ourselves every day that perpetuate our “prison by implication” or “by omission of our own authority.”

    The more the truth of free will is integrated, the more miracles and “spooky actions” happen in your life simply by the making of a decision. Ex Inanis is about reclaiming this DECISION power. Magic is real and it is the power of pure will.

    In this blog, I detail how I recognize the patterns — the demons, if you will — that are holding one back. You must often take the leap of faith in order to begin to see truths you couldn’t imagine before.

    I hope that readers can learn something from my dedication and experiences to this unusual mindset.

    These patterns are subtle, even sublime in their ability to remain undetected within your consciousness. You will learn to applaud or appreciate how adaptive they are because they are essentially you avoiding you.

    Ex Inanis is an ongoing exploration of these truths, how to uncover them, how to hold them, and how to apply them.

  • Hook, Hook, give us the Hook!

    I had forgotten how much I love the movie Hook, from start to finish. I resonate with this story so much that it is absurd. From the story of Peter having an intense fear of death, to “devolving to an adult” and forgetting who he is, to finding a reason to be and to becoming the embodiment of the child (and of course the wonderful music score.)

    Man of La Mancha, Baron Munchausen, Vito Cornelius – these are my heroes. They are so iconic to me as embodiment of Ex Inanis.

    Somewhere along the way, I got lead astray from my own work.

    If I had to hazard a guess when this happened, it was when I reached the end of Ex Inanis. I have been here before. Do you know where it leads?

    Ex Inanis showed me that this world is a dream and we are all children who have been fooled into thinking we are adults.

    I remembered my inner-child and felt intense abandonment. I was in a world surrounded by adults. I began looking for similar philosophies / people to not feel so alone.

    This lead me to a lot of New Age teachings, plus a handful of other fringe people, because it seemed like no one else was even coming close to the truth.

    The longer I neglected my own work and settled for “substitute work”, the more I “forgot” the truths I had discovered. The more I slipped into being an adult. I had forgot the stories that I needed to tell myself to understand the truth (I had lost my marbles!)

    We can never use the works of The Other as anything other than springboards for our own enlightenment. This will always lead to disaster.

    A great many lessons have been learned to bring Ex Inanis to a closer state of “completion.” A recent revelation/re-remembrance is this: without yesterday or tomorrow, there is no “now.” There’s that synthesis again.

    The now is a synthesis of yesterday and tomorrow. You need a future in order to invest into this “now” moment and you need yesterday to make it meaningful. If there is nothing to look forward to then you are in a state of self denial, or under a very clever spell to keep you confused.

    I know, because I’ve been there. For a really long time. I got tricked into being an “adult.” All of us have.

    By simply remembering moments in our life that we enjoyed – even just one “happy thought” – we can dispel the notion that we have been abandoned. We know that even in a world that seems like it has nothing for us, we were able to find happiness. That means we can find it again.

    Without this synthesis, there is no potential. There is no god. There is no inner-child.

    “Now” is an incomplete concept which I accepted into my own work for quite some time. In polarity terms, neutrality cannot exist either without positive or negative. This is all part of the comprehension of the whole – of unity.

    What happens when you stubbornly try to exist without a yesterday or a tomorrow? If you reject yesterday, you create resistance & suppression that eats away at you. If you reject tomorrow, you remove you reasons for making choices, or creating life at all.

    You cannot create happiness “in a void” – this is Nonsense. This is “ADULTHOOD.” You might call this dysfunctional being.

    It is an anti-being, because it misunderstands the nature of appearances. We cannot abdicate our responsibility from which these appearances arise, otherwise we are attempting to detach ourselves from ourselves (Nonsense.)

    The world is part of us and we are part of the world. There is no “inside” and “outside.” When inside & outside synthesize, they create “qualia (experience).”

    As we progress on this journey, there is nothing informatively helpful by believing there is any inside or outside at all. This is the true graduation and leap of faith. This is unity. This is the emergence of the dream (Welcome to Never Never Land.)

    No inside, you say? That’s right. Do you truly understand this implication?

    When Peter remembers his happy thought is his children, he is remembering potential – he is remembering his unity, his connection to God/Source!

    The informative position to make use of this knowledge is to treat the world and everything in it as if it is part of you. And do you see? And how do you treat yourself?

    That is all for now. Bangarang!

  • More on “Expansion”

    This idea of constant soul/individual growth is dysfunctional and non-sustainable. It is entropic.

    There is no time. We are playing in this “now moment” for all time. Our experience is a Wave that is always changing (which gives us the variance of experience), but “we” are complete and whole.

    That all choices are recorded – to serve as further fuel for everyone to use in their decision-making / creation – is quite different from souls that are “always expanding.”

    What our lives would be like if all wishes were fulfilled? No experiences are more or less valid than others. The world often gives weight to suffering, elevating it above other experiences. It creates an imbalance/disharmony (a disturbance in the force.) If experiences were weighted, this would create entropy.

    “We” are not expanding. God/Source is expanding as this is a requisite to create eternity. God holds all the imagination/potential of everyone and everyone connects to God to create/experience.

    When an experience is weighted, all other experiences are forced into service of the heavier ones ; imagine a pit, a pyramid, or a black hole – the densest point sucks in everything else. Entropy.

    This means all the traditional “negative experiences” are derived from a choice. Choices no one would make (“if they didn’t have to” – which gives us a clue.)

    Pain, fear, suffering – these are from disconnection from God/Source. They are reminders on how to reconnect to God – “To the Source” – to that which gives us life.

    These negative experiences might stem from a low-cohesion consciousness, which suggests we are fledgling souls, or souls-in-rehab (or lightworkers on a mission). We don’t need to know. Our “waves” seem to be creating an interference with our God connection.

    DO YOU THINK BEING MISERABLE OR DEPRESSED IS “NATURAL”? THIS IS AN ABSENCE OF LIFE. That is how it manifests. It is the story you need to explain what you are experiencing.

    A total absence of life does not exist – it is nonsense. The closer to “total nonsense” you come, the more suffering you experience. That we can even experience this ping-pong of of life to anti-life is what is “wrong.” It is a neurosis of consciousness. There is ONLY LIFE.

    “Pain is weakness leaving the body”, or “Suffering is the darkness being purged from your body as you realign to God.”

    It requires a lack of imagination to think we would somehow exhaust our ability to create or experience and so need these life upheavals / reversals. Seeing as how we would all be having our wishes fulfilled, there would be a constant stream of creation and new things to do.

    Limitations are imperative in order for experience to exist. They are divine and allow the cosmos to function. We can easily imagine sets of limitations that never experience suffering and are completely stable. If we just kept expanding, we would annihilate ourselves.

    Being fearless does not mean we are perfect. Fearlessness is playfulness!

    Having a good attitude about overcoming adversity is one thing, but elevating suffering “into the divine” rubs me wrong. We should not put suffering on a pedestal as a coping mechanism. This is like idealizing a disconnection from God. This is not the basis of any kind of paradigm/belief system.

    It is like trying to unplug yourself from yourself, which is an impossibility. It is complete nonsense and so creates nonsense (suffering) within yourself to experience. The suffering physically manifests in whatever way you need to “explain the suffering” in a believable way because it is INCOMPREHENSIBLE. That is the nature of the beast. This is why I call it Nonsense ; it is a glitch with no fixed state ; it is raw chaos. You create the story to “remain whole” because there is no other “story” that would explain “nonsense” to you.

    It is a vile twisting of realities. We do this to ourselves to “wake up.”

    Does joy not expand the soul? Does tranquility not expand the soul? Does not hate? Do not vice and indulgences also expand the soul? Yet we always somehow choose to move ourselves away from suffering if we can, because it is not natural. It is so primal within us to avoid suffering that this should be the biggest clue we have. Overcoming this primal revulsion to suffering requires extreme states of mind and paradigms – “masochism” is a pejorative.

    Suffering = varying degrees of denial of experience/qualia and your connection to it.

    Even a masochist must transform/transmute suffering into a PLEASURE, or a JOY – meaning suffering is still something that is antithetical to their nature! A masochist does not “hold their suffering” like we can hold peace or joy or even anger or hate – because suffering is complete NONSENSE/disconnection. You cannot “remain in suffering” because you are always wanting to get out of it – masochism is a desperate transmutation of suffering to reconnect to God.

    Suffering exists, we acknowledge it and do our best to reduce it or overcome it. We do not need to deify it.

    We have become so sensitized to suffering that we don’t even want to touch it – we are afraid of reconnecting to God – and instead bend our whole civilization around it – creating massive collective resistance that manifests it. Humans have elevated suffering to the divine and this is how consciousness can be hijacked to feed the dark gestalt / parasites / low-consciousness patterns / etc. that cannot exist otherwise.

    This post could go on forever and I need to attend to other tasks. I’m going to put this up so I can think about it / work on in down the road. Lots of good subtle information here.

    As always, use your own discernment, but my opinion is that this “constant expansion of the soul” idea needs revising.