Sorry for the quality of photos. The camera on my phone is a little wonky.
Most the “bushes” you see are arugula. Arugula is a peppery lettuce that is super low in oxalates and quite tasty for making salads. The little green sprouts in the front are lettuce.
My second pumpkin patch. The other one died. This one is doing better, but I think I have some sort of mold that I am not sure how to treat. I am happy it at least got this far to see some actual pumpkins developing.
I planted cilantro a couple of years ago that went crazy. Now every year I get cilantro everywhere in my yard. I primarily use mine in detox shakes, but of course cilantro has lots of uses.
The left is a small lettuce patch. The right is my immortal Jalapeno tree. Well, hopefully immortal. He’s sort of just hanging on right now.
These are the first tomatoes I have raised from seed. It is nice to have fresh tomatoes in winter.
A poblano pepper.
Some of the arugula.
That will do it for now.