You’ve stumbled into the MASTERY section …

I have created this website primarily as a means to keep myself focused & motivated on elevating consciousness because our lives our ripe with distraction. While this website is often focused on the philosophical and esoteric, I also wanted a depository where I could share aspects of my life that others may find interesting.

This section represents years of self-reflection and contemplation.

I have an earnest hope that this work is of use to others and helps them in their spiritual & consciousness journey.


Ex Inanis outlines and discusses a personal paradigm that I have created for my own enlightenment. These are anecdotes of my own life. This material is for your reference -- not your worship. You should find your own connection to God / Creator / Universe.

What should you expect with this material?

Let us start with a crash course.

The highest truth of this work:

Free will is absolute.

Ex Inanis explores the proper understanding (and application) of this truth and its application in altering our lives. We explore how to create freedom & harmony within ourselves which becomes the ultimate conduit for expressing will.

Free will is not about brute force, or discipline. Free will is not about the denial of your reality, or overcoming through willpower. We work on deprogramming the inverted idea that “will has power” because will is always doneso needs no power! The idea of power creates the false idea that you need control or power over decisions you have already made.

Free will works in concert with concepts like: trust, acceptance, allowance, faith & surrender. This sounds contradictory because you don’t know how to trust yourself.

Absolute free will means your choices are always honored and free will — whether yours or someone else’s — is never violated. Let me repeat: will cannot be violated. This means you cannot go against your own will anymore than you can go against someone else’s will.

All outcomes align to their participants will, but the physical world is visceral and deceptive and makes this hard to accept. We have a deep-rooted instinct to blame the world, or others, or even the divine, when things go bad. Sometimes things go so bad that we can’t even comprehend that we chose it. But even when life is at it’s worst, it does us no good to disempower ourselves.

The work we do here is nothing less than self-mastery. We use this mastery to find our personal expression of life which leads us to love.

Ex Inanis asserts the world is a function of consciousness — God’s, ours, others — all of the above. It responds to and forms in adherence to conscious choices and exists at the behest of its creator’s. Miracles, magic, and other spooky things can & do happen.

The world often speaks to us, but we have to learn how to listen, which is both a skill and a state of being.

This not a polarized universe. Polarity is a lie. There are only decisions. There is a buffer to reality that obscures the choices you have made and we often disempower ourselves freely.

We will explore the nature of this buffer — which is rooted in a denial of our choices — and how to overcome it.

I have broken down the core principles of Ex Inanis into the Seven Truths.

I should take a moment to note: You should not become fixated on seven, five, or three, or any other number. These are convenient abstractions of higher truths that we utilize to keep our consciousness on the path we intend. We live in a world inundated by math, but math is a tool, not an altar. The foundation of the universe is will & consciousness, which are not governed by deterministic systems.

I call this work a love letter, because it is not meant to be a bible or a doctrine, but an expression & exploration of living truth.

The Divine Three (God)

This can best be understood as God, cosmos, “everything & nothing”, source, or the “purest concept” of consciousness. Use whatever term resonates with you.

Paradox (Potential)Memory (Time)Sovereignty (Love)
This is best understood as “potential.” It is a state of being that can be anything, waiting to be chosen.This is the record of “all choices” ever made. Imagine this as every choice being made in a single moment (the “eternal now”) and the whole wide universe “updates.” Nothing is ever destroyed or forgotten.This can be considered the synthesis of the Four Pillars. The better you master the Four Pillars, the more sovereignty you have. The more sovereignty you have, the greater “potential” you have and the more “love” or “flow” you will experience.

The Four Pillars (“I” / Qualia)

The four pillars are directly concerned with your experience or qualia. Each one flows with the other dynamically and together they represent “you.” Imagine this is a surfboard that you are riding across the cosmos for all time.

While the will cannot exist in isolation, will is the “observer behind the senses” which can also be understood as the “decision maker.”This is the record of “all your choices.” This is much bigger than your current life. This is the eternal continuum of your existence beyond life & death.This is your perception of Paradox (God.) Your limitations are what create the apparent world and who appears there.This is your connection to the divine. It is the fire inside that guides you to your next state of being. It is your inner-voice or “conscious.” The less connected you are, the more chaotic your life will seem.


(Anti-Life, The Demiurge, The Devil, Separation, The Rent, The Buffer)

This site is called "Ex Inanis", which in Latin would be "from nothing", "from empty" or "from inane." This might be considered the deliverance from the Nothing or the Nonsense, or "creating from nothing" or an aphorism for "being."

In short, The Nonsense might be understood as "everywhere you have misplaced your will."

The more you disown your own choices, which include not just physical actions but thoughts, emotions, how you react and even the unfolding of the physical world -- the more Nonsense you create.

Start your descent into madness by reading the blog.

  • All I Ask of You

    I have kept a private journal for most of my life. I have decided to start using this platform as my journal instead, as a commitment to change. This will sort of be a work in progress. The journal was multilayered and was never written with the intent to be read, so I have bad habits that create a kind of shorthand I have to correct as I write here.

    I would love to link all of the concepts I frequently “self talk” to myself and explain them but it will take time to get there. I apologize for anyone reading that has to “wing it.” But I need to write these to myself, even if they seem to be in code.

    It is funny, when we are in flow, synchronicity-mode, just how everything lines up.

    I was listening to my Winamp playlist on shuffle, and “All I Ask of You” from the Phantom of the Opera came up.

    I started crying as I heard this song as a partnership with yourself and the universe / God / qualia / reality.

    We are the “fingers of God” ; in this experience, we contain a crystalized pinpoint of “immediate result” ; we become the conduit for a force so beyond our capacity to hold based on what we choose. But when we realize this, we can surrender to it in totality and we become gods ourselves, trusting everything “up there” to flow just as you expect and transform the world.

    God/Creation/Paradox/Universe is “Christine” and “you” are “Raoul.”

    Notice how Christine – God – asks Raoul: “Say you need me ; promise me all that you say is true” – asking Raoul to be true, authentic.

    Christine says: “All I want is freedom” ; God cannot have any experience without you. God does not want a world of night, of darkness, of nothingness, of non-experience – of Nonsense.

    You can follow the exchange from there. Really listen to the lyrics and see the exchange in this context.

    The Phantom is “Nonsense”, or Resistance ; mourning for a world he cannot have.

    You must love the world / God / Creation / see yourself in this place ; see how this transforms your perspective. I say this as someone who has often struggled with incredible anger, disdain and hatred. I have stood in those negative emotions and they are powerful ; they can transform your world ; but is it a world you want? Is that the world you wish to share with “Christine”?

    No more talk of darkness
    Forget these wide-eyed fears
    I’m here, nothing can harm you
    My words will warm and calm you

    Let me be your freedom
    Let daylight dry your tears
    I’m here, with you, beside you
    To guard you and to guide you

    Say you love me every waking moment
    Turn my head with talk of summertime
    Say you need me with you now and always
    Promise me that all you say is true
    That’s all I ask of you

    Let me be your shelter
    Let me be your light
    You’re safe, no one will find you
    Your fears are far behind you

    All I want is freedom
    A world with no more night
    And you, always beside me
    To hold me and to hide me

    Then say you’ll share with me
    One love, one lifetime
    Let me lead you from your solitude

    Say you need me with you here, beside you
    Anywhere you go, let me go too
    Christine, that’s all I ask of you

    Say you’ll share with me
    One love, one lifetime
    Say the word and I will follow you

    [TOGETHER / CHRISTINE in Stage Version]
    Share each day with me
    Each night, each morning

    Say you love me

    You know I do

    Love me—that’s all I ask of you

  • Where do we start?

    Edit from the future: Substitute all references of website to ‘blog.’

    Another edit from the future: start with the Lexicon.

    That is a good question and I have never found a satisfactory answer. Because there is none. There is no starting place.

    Even naming this website was always insufficient. What one word could I use to encompass everything I want to put here?

    I didn’t realize how apt the name Ex Inanis was to become.

    In Latin, it would be “From Nothing.“ Nothing could also be void, or the inane, or nonsense. We will talk a lot about “nonsense.” This name is perfect in more ways than I can count but it took awhile for me to see it. It will be explained in time.

    The knowledge of this website cannot be taken in isolation. It exists as a whole and each piece relies on another piece. You may personally derive benefits from any one piece in isolation, but there are concepts that only become apparent and realized when the whole is held, or when certain pieces come together.

    Let’s try working from a high level and work our way down.

    What is this website about?

    Aside from the introductions, more concisely, this website is a love letter ; it is how to manual on how to become whole ; a manual that you don’t need when you are a whole. It is a “bible” for “learning freedom.”

    And I have achieved that wholeness for brief times in my life and whenever it happens, I lose all my reasons for creating this website. So it never happens. So inevitably I fall off the wagon and I have to find my way back again.

    This website is a love letter to me that I intend to carry with me for all time. To never forget again.

    I am going to show you “how to correct your universe when you fuck it up.”

    One of the rules of this website I am making from the start is that I will not refrain from posting just because it is imperfect, or a “work in progress.” In this Context, there isn’t enough time to get stuck in revision hell. I find that in all past incarnations where I have attempted this work, I get bogged down in perfectionism and obsessions with tone. That will not happen this time ; what is shared, is what is shared. The tone will not always be neutral. There will be errors. Clarity is not always assured. Sometimes I write shorthand in a way that only I understand. You are responsible for how you take it. Because this is considered an ongoing work – as a whole – revisions may occur without notice to all posts, but primarily posts that try to express understandings of Ex Inanis.

    This website is a work in progress. It is not complete. But the incompleteness also represents a commitment. Until it reaches a certain threshold, my interaction with readers will be minimum. Right now, I am in the initial commitment / working phase.

    I will “open” the site more as it develops and as I start extending the project.

    What can others that are not “Macil” expect from this website?

    You can expect to have your paradigms seriously challenged. I hear you laughing. This is your only warning.

    I am sure you have watched movies, read books or played video games where characters go mad because they discover some deep dark secret.

    Other than that, the “Not Macils” are here because they are going through a personal crucible ; we all align or create what we choose ; we are our own teachers.

  • Migration

    Hi, my name is Macil and I have discovered the joys of blogging.

    After about just a week of writing, I realized the platform I was using wasn’t going to work out. Well, more like I was tired of doing web design, hate WordPress and wanted something a little more feature complete.

    So I’m going to give Tumblr a whirl. It looks cool. And compatible. And not isolated in some corner of nowhere. Nonsense should hate that.

    Might have some trouble doing what I want with it, but I am hoping the social features are worth it – so I’ll just start somewhere and see how it goes.

    I am back-dating this post to be the first post whilst I migrate over the last week or so.