You’ve stumbled into the MASTERY section …

I have created this website primarily as a means to keep myself focused & motivated on elevating consciousness because our lives our ripe with distraction. While this website is often focused on the philosophical and esoteric, I also wanted a depository where I could share aspects of my life that others may find interesting.

This section represents years of self-reflection and contemplation.

I have an earnest hope that this work is of use to others and helps them in their spiritual & consciousness journey.


Ex Inanis outlines and discusses a personal paradigm that I have created for my own enlightenment. These are anecdotes of my own life. This material is for your reference -- not your worship. You should find your own connection to God / Creator / Universe.

What should you expect with this material?

Let us start with a crash course.

The highest truth of this work:

Free will is absolute.

Ex Inanis explores the proper understanding (and application) of this truth and its application in altering our lives. We explore how to create freedom & harmony within ourselves which becomes the ultimate conduit for expressing will.

Free will is not about brute force, or discipline. Free will is not about the denial of your reality, or overcoming through willpower. We work on deprogramming the inverted idea that “will has power” because will is always doneso needs no power! The idea of power creates the false idea that you need control or power over decisions you have already made.

Free will works in concert with concepts like: trust, acceptance, allowance, faith & surrender. This sounds contradictory because you don’t know how to trust yourself.

Absolute free will means your choices are always honored and free will — whether yours or someone else’s — is never violated. Let me repeat: will cannot be violated. This means you cannot go against your own will anymore than you can go against someone else’s will.

All outcomes align to their participants will, but the physical world is visceral and deceptive and makes this hard to accept. We have a deep-rooted instinct to blame the world, or others, or even the divine, when things go bad. Sometimes things go so bad that we can’t even comprehend that we chose it. But even when life is at it’s worst, it does us no good to disempower ourselves.

The work we do here is nothing less than self-mastery. We use this mastery to find our personal expression of life which leads us to love.

Ex Inanis asserts the world is a function of consciousness — God’s, ours, others — all of the above. It responds to and forms in adherence to conscious choices and exists at the behest of its creator’s. Miracles, magic, and other spooky things can & do happen.

The world often speaks to us, but we have to learn how to listen, which is both a skill and a state of being.

This not a polarized universe. Polarity is a lie. There are only decisions. There is a buffer to reality that obscures the choices you have made and we often disempower ourselves freely.

We will explore the nature of this buffer — which is rooted in a denial of our choices — and how to overcome it.

I have broken down the core principles of Ex Inanis into the Seven Truths.

I should take a moment to note: You should not become fixated on seven, five, or three, or any other number. These are convenient abstractions of higher truths that we utilize to keep our consciousness on the path we intend. We live in a world inundated by math, but math is a tool, not an altar. The foundation of the universe is will & consciousness, which are not governed by deterministic systems.

I call this work a love letter, because it is not meant to be a bible or a doctrine, but an expression & exploration of living truth.

The Divine Three (God)

This can best be understood as God, cosmos, “everything & nothing”, source, or the “purest concept” of consciousness. Use whatever term resonates with you.

Paradox (Potential)Memory (Time)Sovereignty (Love)
This is best understood as “potential.” It is a state of being that can be anything, waiting to be chosen.This is the record of “all choices” ever made. Imagine this as every choice being made in a single moment (the “eternal now”) and the whole wide universe “updates.” Nothing is ever destroyed or forgotten.This can be considered the synthesis of the Four Pillars. The better you master the Four Pillars, the more sovereignty you have. The more sovereignty you have, the greater “potential” you have and the more “love” or “flow” you will experience.

The Four Pillars (“I” / Qualia)

The four pillars are directly concerned with your experience or qualia. Each one flows with the other dynamically and together they represent “you.” Imagine this is a surfboard that you are riding across the cosmos for all time.

While the will cannot exist in isolation, will is the “observer behind the senses” which can also be understood as the “decision maker.”This is the record of “all your choices.” This is much bigger than your current life. This is the eternal continuum of your existence beyond life & death.This is your perception of Paradox (God.) Your limitations are what create the apparent world and who appears there.This is your connection to the divine. It is the fire inside that guides you to your next state of being. It is your inner-voice or “conscious.” The less connected you are, the more chaotic your life will seem.


(Anti-Life, The Demiurge, The Devil, Separation, The Rent, The Buffer)

This site is called "Ex Inanis", which in Latin would be "from nothing", "from empty" or "from inane." This might be considered the deliverance from the Nothing or the Nonsense, or "creating from nothing" or an aphorism for "being."

In short, The Nonsense might be understood as "everywhere you have misplaced your will."

The more you disown your own choices, which include not just physical actions but thoughts, emotions, how you react and even the unfolding of the physical world -- the more Nonsense you create.

Start your descent into madness by reading the blog.

  • Nonsense & Resistance (Revisitng Resistance Pt. 2)

    These are similar, but different concepts.

    The Ex Inanis concept of Resistance is more or less ‘Home’ (in the new Lexicon) ; see the legacy article on Resistance for good information. Use whatever word resonates with you ; I use Resistance because that’s what it feels like. It is a “push back.“ It prevents you from ‘going above or beneath’ unless that is where your Wave is taking you. It isn’t always negative ; it SHOULD be a sense of comfort, or flow ; that indicates you are ‘home’ or close to it.

    “Resistance” changes as we change ; so Home “moves” as we move. We move more into Home and Resistance is the new digs.

    I have realized once again how Resistance is a friend ; it warns us away from behaviors we are leaving behind. It is easy to get angry or upset with negative emotions that appear to be holding us back, but a better perspective is to view these emotions as warnings or boundaries ; “go back”, “turn around.”

    The challenge here is that sometimes Nonsense hides behind Resistance. Oh, yes. Remember, it is a mimic. But it takes a skillful recognition to know when Resistance is, in fact, an illusion of Nonsense.

    Nonsense will borrow aspects of “home” and reflect them back to you to keep you “in your box.” It will have you rationalizing / / justifying all your suffering until your life explodes and you finally realize the illusion you’ve been buying into the whole time. Nonsense loves that.

    You have to learn to recognize when the wall is solid or is just an illusion. The illusion will feel real – all the emotions and thoughts when you look upon it – but will disappear once you walk into it. And you will find the new Resistance / Home already moved with you and was waiting. That is because you already did the inner work, but didn’t do the “action” component.

    That is the only way to dispel the illusion ; it requires an act of faith. You cannot will it away, or rationalize it away, or ‘figure it out’ because the illusion is coming from you, so it is a perfect mirror of your expectations. It will always ‘seem right’ no matter how you look upon it. This is the deadly nature of Nonsense.

    Authenticity lights the way, but Nonsense knows this and will try to confuse you.

    Nonsense can make The Other appear to both both impede & support you (which is is just too bizarre for most people to accept) ; because remember, Nonsense is not conscious. It is YOU that are allowing this abuse of your consciousness ; you are “renewing” your choices and complaining about it.

    I am still learning more and more reliable ways of staying in tune in Authenticity. One of those is “disarming momentum.” Part of this is following through on your first thoughts or impulses (this requires a lot of practice, because following a first impulse may seem like climbing Mt. Everest), but sometimes it is about “Exhausting Nonsense” with brand new experiences. It is the Will/Intent + Faith + Showing Up process that we use when Authenticity is a little wobbly.

    Authenticity is the intersection of the desires of Mind, Body, and Heart/Soul.

    All three have desires ; it might help to consider them conscious, because they will seem to pull you in ways that are conscious (because “they” are you, and so you are pulling yourself ; they borrow the “reality generation controls.”)

    The mind desires challenges and puzzles and problems ; things to solve ; things to think about and anticipate ; and so on. It is logical, reasonable ; it is “Vulcan.”

    The Heart/Soul is the spirit, or the part that wishes to see a bigger picture ; it wants to make connections ; to form relationships ; to have new experiences ; to have “more material” to create “more material.“ It is the “child” or the adventurer.

    The Body is most closely aligned to the idea of the physical and so desires sensations, feelings ; it greatly desires the Other ; nature ; bodily sensations ; food – the Body “is” the physical, or the Context (Earth, your body, other people, everything in it, etc.); it wants you “in” it, not your “physical vessel (blood and bone, etc.)

  • What is “Earth”?

    This is my personal belief – drawn from my own experiences and through Ex Inanis how everything appears to me. This, in itself, aligns or creates The Others of similar nature (in accordance to free will/choice) and that, then, also derives an overlapping Context. Our Context is similar, because our journeys are similar; our expectations creates a playing field that we can recognize together. The roles we serve for each other is only for ourselves to know. There is no right or wrong ; we teach ourselves and the universe (or “yourself”) aligns or creates the lessons.

    We speak in “lessons”, but we could easily speak in terms of purifying a soul – of clearing that which holds it back, or out of cohesion. We could speak of experimenting with consciousness until it is “perfect.”

    Yet I write this post with the disclaimer that my answers are not your answers. No one can answer why we are sharing this space, as the reasons are myriad. You can only answer why YOU are in this place.

    “As of this writing” …

    I feel as though I am here to share a message – as much of Ex Inanis was there inside day 1 and simply required 39 years to translate “as a human.” The knowledge of Ex Inanis was a relentless pest ; an itch that could never be scratched ; like rats crawling in the walls. Does this mean I was meant to share this message with you? Not necessarily. Perhaps I just need to do the work for myself to “carry it forward.” I have realized though that “sharing it with the world” is some kind of X-Factor that needs to happen.

    But I also feel I have learned critical lessons my soul did not have, so “Earth” is also a means of school/purification. I think I am here to learn how to have relationships with people ; sometimes I feel like I was a god who met his dark end – alone and driven to madness – and needed a new way. My life has mirrored this in many ways.

    Whether we have assimilated Nonsense and “fallen asleep” and are thrust into a kind of shadow realm, or perhaps we just never had the skill/knowledge in the first place – what is the difference?

    What is it a shadow of? It is a shadow of the “real world”, although world is not quite right. It is a shadow of “whole consciousness”, which is experience-on-demand, heaven, and so on. The “real cosmos.”

    I have heard the term “star seeds” or visitors who willingly plunged into the shadow to help rescue others. Maybe. I can’t outright deny it. It is like flat earth ; I just don’t know. These aren’t the realms that interest Ex Inanis. I do not care if the Earth is round or flat.

    Ex Inanis is about repeating the same truth in many ways to show you that everyone is describing the same elephant.

    Whether you interpret events as I have made sense of them – that our past lives “leak” into current lives for us to clean up until we achieve MVG – or you perhaps subscribe to angels, or higher selves who have “scripted” your life to teach you lessons, the end result is the same. We are all describing the same thing.

    I often find comfort in feeling there are markers that are meant to occur and I have certainly experienced things of this nature, yet, as a means of empowerment/informative patterning, Ex Inanis typically only acknowledges the possibility ; it prefers for you to take responsibility for your life/consciousness at all times and leave questions that cannot be answered alone. Undoubtedly, I have oft felt, though, there is an “X-Factor” ; a playing field that is outside my sphere of control, perhaps waiting until I achieved enough mastery to escape its gravity, or perhaps for some prophesized event. Again, though, this is unanswerable – unanswerable questions are their own topic, but in general Ex Inanis doesn’t waste its time because it is a Nonsense trap.

    After the events of March this year, I am no longer resisting my experience here ; for some time, I have been in a limbo, unwilling to engage with this dream because I felt tired of it. I went deep inside, looking for some secret knowledge that would open a portal out of here. I didn’t do these things out of hate; I did them because after years of searching, I felt like I could never discover a passion or purpose. I realized that this “disinterest” or this search for meaning was just another trick of Nonsense. Looking for reasons to love, or to be engaged, just creates “looking.” You have to “create from nothing” ; show up and you will find the love. It isn’t just enough to know that, though, you have to “do.”

    When you are in love, everything is interesting – this is how children view the world, and it is how we should view the world also. I am determined to “have fun” no matter what, so I am no longer interested in “escaping.” I am interested in challenging myself to master everything I can master about myself. I am interesting in filling in the holes that I think I had when I came here – or the holes that I seem to have as of this writing.

    Earth as a school – Earth as a purgatory – Earth as a refining process – Earth as the last bastion of darkness – Earth is a simulation – these are all effectively the same idea.

    But what is Earth? I don’t know. The doubt seems to be a hint. I have always preferred the term “realm”, as that is more in line with something conjured from consciousness, yet I do not deny that I love Star Trek and the idea of exploring the universe. There are many “acceptable” answers as far as I am concerned. Why define one? The doubt may be the “gap” that separates us from knowing. It is an indicator of Nonsense / unwholeness. You do not “doubt” when you “think”, you just “do.” That is the “real” universe. Earth becomes its best self just for you when you leave it to mystery/faith.

    Ultimately Earth is about cohesion. About training you to be a god. That seems to be my best answer (so far.) Its form or nature is irrelevant. We can only determine our own relationship with it.

    Ex Inanis is the recognition of this and is about clearing out every pattern within you that holds you back from being whole. Ex Inanis is about becoming the “best” you ; about figuring out what the mind of a god is like. Ex Inanis is about finding the boundaries within and without and finding ways to exceed them. Ex Inanis is about creating patterns ; Ex Inanis is about translating many varieties of beliefs into a modular universal paradigm that produces a “harmonic” mind that functions without effort and (very little) maintenance which produces total freedom.

  • Exhausting Nonsense

    A few days ago I found an author (…) who helped to remind me of a few of my own lessons that I had forgotten. In this case, it was an offshoot of the Rottening (see Lexicon) ; complacency tends to create a very real Groundhog’s Day.

    I have been making some subtle changes in my everyday patterns to start breaking down this “Rottening” effect and it is already paying dividends. Today, I made a big realization ; at least big for me. Something that “tied the room together.” There are a lot things we grasp intellectually but never pierce that place where only belief resides. Doings have a way of piercing that place in strange and unpredictable ways.

    Dreams show us how that what we do in our “waking” life can often be “recombined” in our dream world ; our mundane “doings” often become abstracted or turned into metaphors in dreams. Sometimes dreams are just a “trash dump” ; a real kind of excretion of whatever you have been consuming/doing in your life. Sometimes dreams are places to play out fantasies, or fears that would be too tough in the “waking world.” What few of us ever question, though, even in paradigms that glorify physicalism, is that we have ownership over these dreams much like we have “ownership” in our own life.

    The dreams “arise” from somewhere within and this is a great cheat code for anyone who doubts that your waking world arises the same way. When you truly understand this and you understand your “unity” with the dream, you need only explain the differences between the two. Much of Ex Inanis is about bridging the dream world and the “waking” world with its concepts, the primary of which is Nonsense – or the gap/buffer. Ex Inanis is meant to work even for someone coming from a hardcore physicalist mindset.

    I will talk more about this later, but when you deny your life – your dream – this rejection creates “time.” Time (gap/buffer) opens the door to suffering ; suffering creates fear ; fear creates fixation ; fixation creates density. This whole process feeds on itself like a parasite and creates a prison / loop.

    The realization I made – that I think I have made and am now trying to integrate much more into my life – is that you can “exhaust” Nonsense. By knowing the world arises from you, you can “challenge” it or “dig for it” (to clear it) by generating as much qualia as possible. This means doing new things as much as you can tolerate. And the more uncomfortable those things are, the better ; when you discover discomfort, it is a sign of a boundary, or a box you have placed within yourself, which ultimately represents “dead time” or entropy. Nonsense doesn’t want you to “go there”, because it represents change ; an expulsion of Nonsense. I am not suggesting you hurt yourself ; I am simply talking about challenging yourself to things you know your heart wants to do.

    Some of this seems painfully basic, like they tell you in school – try different things, variety is the spice of life, etc. This is understating the message that I am trying to convey.

    When you strain Nonsense [edit: rather, strain your ability to generate reality] in this way, I believe it breaks down (or “up”) ; much like when you are in flow, you begin to see glitches ; “repeats” of things you perhaps did recently, or thought about ; it starts resembling one of those dreams that – the day before – you didn’t question “came from you” because you watched some scary movie, or binged on your favorite television show.

    This is GOOD. One of the chief goals of Ex Inanis is to cause break downs ; glitches ; strain the “system” until it falls apart (or comes together). This is reclaiming authority, or “becoming whole / becoming one” … it is the merging of your dream self and your waking self.

    Simulation / Demiurge theory is potent because it has “seen” the way reality flows / repeats / recombines, but this is because we are constantly renewing our choices. It seems like a simulation if you disown your responsibility in creating it. Those choices rise from foundations we have built ; most of our “waking” time is automated on foundations we have forgotten about. I am not just talking about some bad habit you have, or some idiosyncrasy (though those can contribute) ; I am talking about fundamental belief patterns ; I am talking about “invisibles” you will never see until you make a faith/commitment because they basically don’t exist in your conception of the universe ; you will never be able to think about them or see them until you jump. They are epiphanies, insights, “ahas!” ; they are those salient moments where you know “something just changed.”

    I’m going to give more tips on exhausting Nonsense in the future ; I have an idea I want to explore.

  • True Love

    Finding a companion has been a life long dream of mine. That is not a big shock ; most people have that wish. What they don’t realize is such a wish is really a wish for cohesion, which then becomes represented in your reality – that may very well take the shape of your ideal person if you wish (I do.)

    To say that I have had no success is probably an understatement. My initial “dark night of the soul” and impetus for higher wisdom originated from a bizarre relationship/not-relationship. This too is probably not an unfamiliar story.

    Every attempt at relationships/romance thereafter failed horribly. The very last attempt at relationship was when I reached a turning point ; I made a kind of sacrifice, a “Pact” that must have shattered the universe.

    I declared, many years ago, “I would be complete and need no one!” I remember it clearly. I remember the power of that Intention. And I followed through with actions (I beat the shit out of a punching bag until it scarred my hand, I destroyed a huge library of video games / this was before digital was standard practice, and I destroyed a bunch of valuable anime collectibles I had spent years putting together). It was unmistakable. This set me firmly upon The Path.

    This post is because I truly feel like I have come full circle ; to realize all the dreams I “abandoned” in my youth ; one of which was true love.

    I realized awhile ago that to find “true love”, I had to embody that concept in myself first. When I made that Decision, I didn’t realize how much garbage – Nonsense – would have to be cleared. I had thought simply upon touching this seminal truth, I had won.

    Boy, was I wrong.

    I had no idea what true love was ; all I had done was glimpsed it by conceiving it. I spent years and years building the structure that allowed me to pierce the heavens and taste it. I was Prometheus stealing fire, not realizing the power I was stealing and what it would do (hint: it involves burning you inside out.)

    Be careful what you wish for – but I have no regrets. A life unexamined and all that.

    As god-creators, we have no idea just how much power we have, including the ability to wreak unimaginable havoc within our own lives. We do this because we are out of cohesion ; we have sprinkled our own authority all over the place which comes back around to beat us senseless. We surrender authority whenever we allow our qualia to dictate our reactions or Decisions ; when we do not “create from nothing.”

    The Phantom of the Opera post I made earlier, though, gave me a unique perspective that resonates strongly with me. I feel like what I do now is about bringing “her” into existence. I know that’s kind of cheesy – or perhaps hammy, if you prefer. Sorry, I don’t have any vegan terms.

    I see an ultimate reality without limitations and “she” almost feels like the cosmos itself ; that I everything I do is somehow for “her.” I really felt like Raoul (Wave) serenading Christine (Paradox/Cosmos.) “She” becomes the embodiment of the entire universe and our “dance” creates reality.

    True love could not be obtained without Ex Inanis ; without all the work I have done. Without this work, I could never have understood. I could never have found this place within myself ; there would never have been room for another. Without Ex Inanis, every relationship would have failed.

    I resisted with every fiber of my being to releasing this work because I saw no purpose in it. I had concepts for something like this as far back as my teenage years – I called it “Last Stop to Nowhere” back then. Writing this now, I cannot believe how appropriate that was at the time.

    I hate the concept of “teaching” ; it is a horrible world view, in my opinion, because you presume your world needs teaching. You create your own students and “need to teach them”, so you are creating The Other with ignorance and “a need to learn.” Who would want to do that? That is some kind of endless hell.

    I realized, though, we do not do works like these to “teach”, per se, but because it keeps us upon the path ; it clarifies and builds the path. And The Other benefits, because the benefit is aligned/created by you ; they assimilate the knowledge like magic. I realized this not long ago – but it took a visit from the Spanish Inquisition to really “get it in there.”
  • Revisiting Resistance Pt. 1

    Ex Inanis is fundamentally about the Deliverance from Nothing / Nonsense ; creating states from nothing ; disregarding appearances ; faith ; the “Divine Mirror.”

    When doing this work, it inevitably feels like there are two worlds we are dealing with ; the world we want to leave / destroy / transmute / reorganize, and the world that we want to go into, or the “Ideal” world.

    Technically, this is a trick. There is no such thing as “before” or “after” or yesterday or tomorrow. The world that you desire already exists, because you have just imagined it. In every moment, your “Authenticity” plays out every possible reality outside of your awareness and returns with a “ping” that lets you know how to get what you want. You can “ping” the universe at any moment to figure out where to go. You are the “finger of God” and God / Creation is showing you how to do what you want – but you cannot reject your prior choices.

    Your Wave is the “cauldron” of all your choices, fading in and fading out, for all eternity.

    Your imagination is real. It exists – right now – in your world. Where else would it be? There is no inside and outside. “You” are everywhere! You have simply not “moved in.” This “movement” is imperative. You must MOVE. You have twisted your mind with lies and rationalizations why this cannot happen. Fallen into loops and paradoxes from which you derive a kind of comfort or familiarity. Watch everything you are doing “up there” and realize there is no “up there” and “down here.”

    Let us be crystal clear: There is nothing wrong with your desires. The world you wish, the world you imagine ; this is the stuff of creation. I don’t care how ambitious you are ; this is not about good or evil. I do not care if you wish to become some kind of dark Overlord. All realities are realized and possible. Ex Inanis is not here to judge, but to show how it is possible / as a work of faith / as a means of deliverance.

    The illusionary distance between you and that world is produced by choices we have made that contained Nonsense. We put a gap / buffer into our own desires and distanced ourselves from them. This creates a myriad of problems and all suffering exists because of these choices.

    Ex Inanis is about knowing what the rules are so we can break them. The rules are always changing, because the rules are your “Wave” – so we need a mutable/modular/dynamic set of rules/informative patterns that we reinforce constantly.  Ex Inanis becomes a PROFESSION ; a continual practice and execution of skill.

    As long as you deal with The Uncertainty, your Wave contains Nonsense that must be “managed.”

    This is how we manage Nonsense.

    You will know when you have arrived, because you will be able to summon what you wish on demand.

    This philosophy does not glorify a One True Path ; there is not a singular way of approaching creation. Ex Inanis is about the ultimate cohesion ; about becoming unbreakable, harmonic, able to navigate all reality at will without losing a step.

    You are a dynamic “Wave” that is changing shape all the time ; your Wave produces what you perceive as reality. The reality that you are producing is simply what you have been pouring into your Wave. Your Will / I (Air, breath) moves the Wave and the Context arises from this Wave.

    You must never reject your responsibility in weaving Wave ; everything you see and experience is there because it is “in you.” But this is okay: you don’t need to polarize your experience. That is a trap of Nonsense. It is permissible to like or not like, or to love or to hate. Your color is integral to Eternity. Whether it is death and destruction or sunshine and roses, all is valid ; suffering is not contained within these things. There is no perpetrator and no victim. This is polarity garbage. Polarity is the way of the victim mind ; of the survival mind.

    Simply accept all experience, like a dream ; let bad “dreams” fade into nothing ; let good memories be reborn again and again ; then it is a matter of Decision (Intent), Trust/Faith and Showing up.

    Sensitivity and “visceralness” is a different topic. Suffering has absolutely nothing to do with what you think it does ; suffering is a disconnection from self. It is not physical ; it is not a blow to the head, or an angry irritable person. That is simply how it physically manifests to you. I will write more about this, because I am absolutely tired of the common trend to polarize everything and associate experiences with particular feelings or sensations.

  • Wave Corruption / Sync

    Something critical to remember is that the more your Wave is out of desync, the more glitches you will encounter. By glitches, I mean, more negativity, more suffering, more disruption of your life.

    Do not attempt to assign rhyme or reason as to why these glitches occur. They can strike any area of your life. By attempting to provide a “story” to them, you are falling into a devious trap. This process of providing a reason or a story is bottomless. It is the one of the ultimate tricks of Nonsense, because you are allowing it to use your consciousness to create “infinite reasons.”

    You must simply know you are out of alignment and need to start holding an intention to get back into alignment.

    You already “know” everything you want out of life. There is no reason to question it. You must merely trust it. It does not need you to tell it’s story. You do not need to “correct” yourself ; there is nothing wrong with you ; you are the conduit of creation. You must simply configure your lens.

    Just as there are positive “glitches”, I cannot understate how wild things can become when you are in desync. Stuff that has worked for you for years will go awry for seemingly no reason. You will begin to doubt even things you held resolute – your personal verisimilitude / your beliefs will be severely tested because you are essentially attacking yourself – your creative mind will begin to spin stories and this will drag you into a rabbit hole.

    If your cohesion cannot hold up, it will buckle and break ; this will reveal to you areas you need to improve, but it will not necessarily be pleasant. Your physical life will almost certainly suffer consequences. Always know, though, that just as quickly as things can degrade, they can improve.

    There are better ways to increase your cohesion without suffering – without Nonsense. Remember, though, this isn’t a rejection of suffering ; it can teach us many things, but it is the recognition that we are choosing to learn in a more loving environment from now on.

    When you are out of alignment, everything you do must come into service of coming back into alignment ; you might call this “healing.” Set aside all other concerns until you are back to “center” and can hold your center without effort. Nothing else matters until the center is re-established. Depending on where you are in your life, this can be quick and easy or it can be long and laborious. The more secure you are in your personal paradigm, the quicker you will recover from mistakes, or “holes” in your model.

    There is a caveat here, though, that I have recently been through: pride commeth before a fall. You can become so certain of your paradigm that you become complacent. You, my fellow god, will be ripped from the sky and thrown to the ground. Always be vigilant to what you are choosing ; where are you spending your time? Who are you judging? What world are you expecting? Do not forget that your Wave is constantly on the move and must be renewed with what you put into it ; this is why the goal of Ex Inanis is the “Minimum Viable God” ; a mind that effortlessly creates a “God Wave.”

    Do not be afraid to use crutches ; make the crutches your ritual ; recognize they are part of the world you have already created and use them to make you stronger. Do not fall into the trap of “man mode” or Dysfunctional Sovereignty. This is a gross inversion of will ; it is the excessive masculine, or the myth of willpower. This is like a Nonsense generator. I will write about this in the future.

    What you “do” doesn’t matter so much as long as you are “doing.” There is that oft saying: fake it until you make it. Holding an intention – a Decision – is all that you need. Understand that your Context will generate thoughts, emotions, feelings (including physical sensations, like pain or discomfort – or pleasure, or comfort) according to apex of your Wave – at the crest – in your immediate qualia. This is the “appearance” of reality or the “illusion”, although illusion is a poor word because it is real. We use these terms to show you how to step back from them ; to see what you are creating.

    The Wave is always moving, even as you are reading this. The apex, then, is always changing. Your Decision right now is what is changing it. The more you are in sync, the more you can close the Nonsense / Buffer / Gap.

    We will talk more about Intention, but Intention does not require perfect words or perfect emotions ; Intents are perfect and crystalized ; they are “Knowings.” A Decision/Intent only requires commitment/faith and the “doing” ; you will then begin to “show up” and the path will become clear to you, even when it seems like you are being fed nothing but bullshit.

    Manifestation techniques often talk about the visualization process and I agree this can be useful – but the Decision/Intent is already perfect, you already “know” exactly what it is suppose to be. Walking the path reveals it – clarifies it – makes it more. The attempt to “create the feeling you want” can be considered part of doing ; but you can simply have faith and show up. The “showing up” part, though, is where most people (including myself) screw things up.