First bloom.
I hope everyone has a year full of life.
Jalapenos, Poblanos, basil and cauliflower (large plot) planted. Also, the tomatoes that I planed before may be coming up, assuming these are the sprouts you see in the photos. Large plot was overgrown with weeds. Now it isn’t. Achievement unlocked! Plot cleared!
I found my old camera and took some proper photos. Here you go. Betcha never saw celery in its natural habitat — you know, out of the grocery store. Also shown here are arugula (one flowering and lots of others), two types of lettuce, swiss & rainbow chard, bluebonnets (not yet bloomed), cilantro (a little
State of the Garden (February) Read More »
Spring time is here! Well, as far as I am concerned. My garden is still alive and the weather is beautiful. Time to plant! Here are the tomatoes I saved from last crop. I did this last season as well and they all came up and produced fruit. Awesome! I will try to take more
Money is part of the scene. What do I mean by the scene? The scene is the moving frame of your unified life. And what is your unified life? What is UNITY? UNITY, in this context, is the unification of all of your experience. This includes your five senses, your thoughts, your feelings, your emotions,
Let’s get some historical records going in here and see where we are next year. 2-8-5 — I say, I haven’t aged a day.