Being & Complacency

What is “Being”? Being is a state of harmony & acceptance. Being can often describe our success in being optimal humans. We find being when we are in flow with our lives – when we reach a satisfaction where we aren’t looking for problems, or changes, or needing anyone’s approval (except our own.)

Being is often accompanied by a silence of the mind. We have very few thoughts.

Yet, in my opinion, this kind of being as a human is tricky, like balancing on a tipe rope. If you fall off, instead of “being”, you become complacent. Complacency settles in when you begin to live in a situation you dislike but rationalize or ignore all the signs that you need to make changes.

I think we can fall into complacency from both healthy, balanced lives as well as destructive or addictive lives. We all strive to create streams of familiarity, because it reminds of us home. Complacency is “too much familiarity” that turns into Groundhog’s Day.

You say, then, that “being” seems like a fairytale and this is exactly why I liken to to walking on a tight rope. “Moderation in all things” is such sage advice because it keeps us on the path. We accept there are days when we can walk that tight rope and that there are days when we fall. It makes it easier to climb back up and do it again ; we find our comfort and familiarity in this process, rather than in the end results and so home becomes more transient than fixed.

When I was very young, I learned that it was unwise to ignore any thought or emotion – always explain from whence it came. If you cannot, you dig and dig until you understand what created it.

How do we know when are “being” and when we are being complacent?

If we are often wondering “I’d rather be …”, then we are being complacent. I am wondering now whether all thoughts are a sign of complacency, or decoherence, like sparks caused by friction. This may be a good way to “think” about it.

My best times in life were when I “neglected” the work of Ex Inanis for a time before life went upside down (complacency) and brought me back. I need to find the right balance between both.

Thoughts are a sign of density – they drift all around the ground beneath the tight rope.

Being brings about a sense of knowing that does not seem to require questions or analysis or planning. You just DO and know that it is the way.

If we arguing with ourselves, or discussing, or planning, we are attempting to get to the root of our friction and solve it. We can recognize this is not an ideal state ; it is ripe for interference from Nonsense – but ignoring it is like limping along in a broken ship. If we can surrender to this “repairing” or “healing” process, though, we can shutdown most vectors for Nonsense.

Thoughts are indicators of what is going on inside. These aren’t the whispering of ego, or some otherworldly being. When the pieces of our life harmonize with our beliefs about ourselves, thoughts fall away. When there is a disconnect, thoughts return – helpfully – to let us know where the “irritation” is (hint: emotions do this too.)

Thoughts are a sign of dysfunction / decoherence. The thoughts themselves are not Nonsense, but are vectors for Nonsense to stifle you. Nonsense is when you try to justify meandering underneath the rope instead of doing what you need to climb back up.

There is a lot of bad advice out there, in my opinion, that encourages people to “over accept” ; we could call this Dysfunctional Acceptance, much like Dysfunctional Sovereignty. Acceptance includes accepting you are unhappy, or that there are experiences your soul is calling you to have. We do not want to glorify the “acceptance of suffering”, as this just creates enduring (Nonsense.)

Thoughts take care of themselves when your environment & life are in sync. They do not need to be managed or changed. They are not “wrong” or negative. They are feedback. They are indicators you have friction within your paradigm, but the thoughts themselves are perfect. We accept them and thank them for indicating to us where we need to improve.

I have made the mistake in the past for disregarding thoughts as “Nonsense”, but this act in itself was Nonsense ; we can become so strongly willed and convinced of our own preconceptions or righteousness, that we separate ourselves from ourselves.

This article does not address applying our action to a Context (world) we may also find unsatisfactory ; it can also be easy to think our desires are “too big” or “too pristine” for the world and decide instead that “doing nothing” seems to honor ourselves better than wading through hard circumstances (this is also Nonsense.)

To create the thoughts we desire, we must take action (only our individual hearts knows what “counts” here) ; we must move towards the ideal in our minds, otherwise the friction will continue.

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