Shedding the Weight pt. 1

Adopting a paradigm that free will is absolute is not all sunshine & daises. In fact, there are some disturbing truths that I have uncovered.

As with all work of this nature, integrating this truth requires recognizing the importance of other people and their total autonomy within your overall paradigm. This is implicit in the idea of “absolute free will” (meaning everyone gets it), but becomes sticky when you start to play with the nature of the other itself or its role in your world.

You may be offended or impatient or upset that others can seemingly conflict with your will, or go against your wishes. It is easy to become indignant when you have “seen through the cracks” and feel like you should be able to cultivate your world to your liking. You may be tempted to remove or restrict the autonomy from others as a “short cut” to higher organizations of consciousness.

But this is a trap.

Like yourself, the role of the other is to be a conduit for God — for potential — to choose (create) what hasn’t been chosen before and this allows for the “infinite recombination” of the cosmos. This allows for fresh never-experienced-before content. Without this critical element, the universe would become deterministic, or entropic.

Denying others, much like denying any part of your world, is denying potential. This pushes you into entropic timelines, aka “dead ends.”

If you opt to change the role of others to be “slaves of your will” then you are just playing with yourself. How long can you play by yourself before you go mad? When everything happens exactly as you expect, how long before you cease to exist because you know all the outcomes? This is an example of an “entropy box.”

You may be inclined to think that two “absolute wills” cannot resolve. You will be inclined to think that others can act as obstacles, or influence your ability to direct your life without your input.

This happens for two reasons: 1) one worldism and 2) the buffer.

One worldism is the idea one will must prevail over another — like we are living in one big box that is bound by time & space that we must adhere instead of infinite boxes without regard to “time or space” that we freely navigate or create. One worldism does not recognize that we live in a multidimensional universe where all outcomes are possible without any will overcoming another.

The buffer, as usual, will cofound and confuse you and you will be tempted to believe your will has been violated or disregarded whilst not understanding the full breadth of the choices you have been giving the universe. You have created a storm and want to blame anything other than yourself.

But wait … there is more.

As you start to awaken more, you will start noticing synchronicities that arise within other people that seems as if you are manipulating them. You don’t even have to have any intention of subverting their will — an unspoken thought or some errant note in a journal seems to come to life. You will meet the people you need out of the blue, your friend says something way too specific, friends & family will answer a question you never asked out loud and all kinds of other bizarre things.

A fear will arise here that I call “The Grand Narrator” problem.

The Grand Narrator is a deep, unsettling fear that you are “telling all the stories”, like the omnipotent voice of a narrator in a movie. Grand Narrator is the “end” without others — a bottomless existential loneliness. “God playing with himself for all eternity.”

This is Nonsense trying to set you astray again.

As you become more incorporated within yourself, you are also aligning to other beings who will help you fulfill your intentions.

Why don't the 'less cohesive' people go away?

They do. They flow around you like a fish moving through water. But also because you are now 'broader' or more connected, so can see more of the total spectrum -- these people represent ongoing choices you can make. You can always "go back" or make a detour. A person is a thread connected to another story and it is up to you whether you want to pull on it.

The universe is putting players together exactly so they can fulfill their wills. This has always been the case, but becomes more apparent when it happens often, happens in sequence or happens “positively.” We are oft inclined to accept negative outcomes rather than positive ones and have an almost inherent distrust of success (this is also Nonsense at work.)

Imagine if part of your will (as mine is) is “as much choice as possible” or “freedom.” What does your world look like? It looks like so many choices that you have to learn how to embody the truth within that allows you to overcome choice paralysis. You may be tempted to indignantly not make a choice, but limbo is also a choice.

Be careful … Groundhog’s Day happens when you refuse to make choices, i.e., you deny your own role in the world arising from you. There is a sinister trap of surrounding yourself with “yes-men” ; giving informative power to sources (like news or other people) that just keep you snidely “confirming reality.” This is how a time-loop is created. It is very subtle and can sneak up on you. You will use these as excuses — “See, this is how the world is — there’s nothing I can do. I’ll check back tomorrow.”

Self-mastery means, necessarily, that you align with others that are capable of helping you to the next leg of your (chosen) journey. If you aren’t in the place you imagine you should be, then there can only be one person to blame: you.

But wait … there is one more thing to remember.

There are concepts you can never experience or understand without granting total autonomy to others. Compassion is locked behind granting autonomy to other people, as are feelings like companionship, comradery and love. These require a certain degree of surrender, faith and trust, which are also higher concepts.

How can you discover these aspects of creation when others are just extensions of yourself? You cannot — because these ideas require the uniqueness or independence of other beings in order to exist. How much does a child learn playing with dolls or puppets?

We cannot answer the question whether these beings truly have their own will, because as soon as we answer we are creating a state of mistrust. We simply must “leave it to God (or the absolute trust of ourselves if you wish)” because the moment we provide an answer we are committing ourselves to entropy.

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