You Can’t Fool Your Heart

When you begin to apprehend the nature of the universe (you have experienced synchronicities, weirdness, Mandela Effects, etc.) and put into practice what you know, Nonsense will always respond to you with “but it isn’t!”

As soon as you argue, YOU HAVE LOST.

Every success story began with a lie we told ourselves to make it happen. A quiet rejection of the world ; crossing our fingers behind our back ; while we just nod and accept the “apparent” world while we wait for things to “catch up.” Even The Other is part of this and seems to catch up with us.

Sometimes we have to grit our teeth, because even appearances can hurt.

Should the universe work this way? Ex Inanis has no official view, because I believe we are better off molding ourselves like ice (solid but mutable) rather than taking strong positions, but I do believe the “normal” universe does not work this way.

The “normal” is what we understand as something like Heaven, where will & result are immediate. We are living in a universe that mirrors our choices back at us and inverts the relationship between will / result. Perhaps it is like opening a word-editor to the soul, or perhaps we are learning to become more than we are – these things I cannot answer.

Ex Inanis is not about providing these answers, but feeling out the “rules” and learning to maximize our experience while we are here. That is, to maximize joy and minimize suffering.

By nature of the universe, we know that our consciousness plays a critical part. This is true for any paradigm, but especially anything that derives out of subjective idealism.

If we were true masters of this craft, there would be no need to study it. There would be no need to practice. We would have already arrived. None of us would need to be here sharing this experience. There would be no doubt! If we had arrived, we would be like players in an online video game – knowing we are players and knowing how to play. But that isn’t the experience here. We have to deal with the “human equation” until we don’t.

What I have learned in the last few months is that there is nothing we can do except take each moment as it arrives and anything else is an illusion of Nonsense. That which is one step outside of that immediate “breath” of life is fake. This is a hard concept to convey, even as there is a lot of material these days about it. It is inexorably tied up with Momentum’s Requiem, the fading of the Wave and the Nonsense that blinds us from the choices we keep renewing.

I often say there are no yesterdays and no tomorrows, yet this is not meant to make us irresponsible. It is meant to be a way to remind us where to keep our throne – that in each moment, we are making a Decision that is put back into the Wave. The Decision is meant to be a wrapper for all the things you need to do/align to realize the Decision. You already “know” these things, because your gut aligns you to the Decision.

The Wave always comes back around, so the sooner you start putting what you want in it, the sooner you will see results. Groundhog’s Day is our eternal enemy – becoming a zombie, or complacent – too much pride or confidence, especially, is not advisable.

In theory, a simple Decision should work to alter the entire world – I have some experience with this. Knowing our imagination is real, we can do any amount of “ritual” within that space yet this method seems impersonal, disconnected and not as effective as engaging fully within the world that is arising around you. We know this has something to do with “unity” or the recognition that the physical world, The Others within, are all products of ourselves (whether by creation or alignment); but a true adherent knows the rabbit hole goes much deeper.

Thinking we can “move by standing still”, we are creating a kind of denial that our heart knows about. It knows we are trying to trick it. “You know the ‘out there’ is ‘in there’, but you are trying to find some loop hole! I’m on to, human!“ This isn’t to say there isn’t real power in visualization, thinking positive, affirmations – there is – yet we have a sense of “moment” when a Decision is made and the more powerful the movement appears, the more ripples it seems to have.

This “movement without movement” method led the implosion of my life because I had become too complacent with Ex Inanis. I was waiting, waiting, and waiting for the world to “catch up” as it had before, but something was awry. You will think you can just keep digging deeper, but this a trick of Nonsense. You will find yourself to be bottomless.

Until you engage in that Deciding, Faith, Showing Up process, you are atrophying.

I had created a real kind of bizarre stasis field and caused the world to move around it. That in itself is cool – like dodging a tornado that wrecks the rest of your neighborhood – but it isn’t getting you any closer to what your heart desires.

Some old wisdom is good here: without risk, there is no gain. Its a truth of this inverted world. It is another way of saying “have faith.”

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