Stay True, Stay Safe

NOTE! As I have warned many times, do not get caught up on words, or semantics. Look beyond. You can substitute the word vampire in this article for a lot of other words like “lost soul”, or “unawakened.”

You can also substitute God for Source, The Force, the cosmos or universe, the collective — there are lots of words that may be more suitable to your understanding.

God is not stupid.

God does not allow those who are in abdication of their throne to affect the realms who are sitting on their throne. The entire world will bend and break and contort so the realm of a King and realm of a peasant will never interact. You only become a peasant thinking you need to take someone else’s crown, because you are born with a crown — you are born a King. It is your own foolishness that tosses the crown away so you can pretend to be a peasant.

Whether you believe this protection between peasants and royalty (a word that is too indulgent but gets the point across!) is divine — as in guided by angels, ancestors — or inherent to the nature of the universe and is something we must all learn — it is immaterial. Both result in the same place and both perspectives are valid/valuable.

If you want to play peasant, that is your choice, but try to imagine how the life of a peasant will be conveyed to you — overwhelming oppression by your environment. How else do we define peasant except by its context? A peasant is meaningless in a void. The individual unit and the context are inseparable — this is your beginning to understand how this is not dualistic or polarized universe. Everything is unified, so carefully pick what you are choosing to express.

It is important to remember that “spaces do not conflict.” What you see as a world outside of you is more like a quilt that is stitched together and the seams are hidden from you. You draw an arbitrary line between the physical world and dreams, for instance, when there is none. You think that point A will always lead to point B, but the path itself is just an expectation you are holding within. Consider also this knowledge in your own inner relationships. See the “inbetween” rather than the “ends.” Train yourself.

I will talk about hidden mechanics in future articles, but for now let’s stay on topic.

In order for realms to interact — that is, for you to meet The Other — one of two things needs to occur:

In scenario one, both realms need to be running amuck, meaning no one is on their throne, so both parties are acting as agents of Nonsense. In this case, this match-up happens because it must — it is an actualization lesson. Both parties have invited each other to their stages without awareness.

To better illustrate this dynamic, let us consider the role of the vampire again because it is so poignant. The vampire sends out a “casting call” for victims. Victims sign up because they don’t know any better ; they do not have the discipline or the sense of self to control their “willful investments” or to “resist the call.” They are driven more by their external worlds than their internal worlds. But both parties are failing to resist the call, because they have abdicated their thrones. Will is not being violated, it is just being used to omit itself.

In truth, both the vampire and the victim are interchangeable. The victim can be the vampire and the vampire can be the victim. And often the roles switch. Remember, this is not a polarized universe, so it is better to think the two people in this example embody both roles at the same time, acting as mirrors to themselves and each other. The words we use here are less important the illustrating the dynamics of individuals who have fallen off their throne. The one in charge here is Nonsense — the devil, “rent”, separation, ego, and so on.

The instinctive vampire thrives on knocking people off their throne. They are wild animals looking to create prey by spreading chaos which causes others to become dethroned (or as I sometimes say, “de-base-d.”)


  1. to reduce in quality or value; adulterate:They debased the value of the dollar.Synonyms: defile, pollute, contaminate, corrupt, vitiate, lower
  2. to lower in rank, dignity, or significance:He wouldn’t debase himself by doing manual labor.Synonyms: reduce, demean, abase, degrade

A victim does not become victimized overnight, but rather by mis-investing its will continually via a state of confusion induced by debasement — loss of authority, low self-esteem, no sense of self, etc. This mis-investment will usually take the form of anger, resentment, or any emotional state that results in disownership, disempowerment, and so on, which feeds vampiric connections and keep you “debased.” Confusion is the wrong word, because the victim does not believe it is confused. It is simply missing critical sensory information and boundaries for which the vampire preys upon.

The animal-like sense of these vampires induces them to trick prey into subverting their will. The easiest way to start to comprehend this is to understand that everyone is telepathic. Yes, you are telepathic right now, you just don’t know how to “hear.” OK?

It takes actualization, or great knowing of the self — your unique, moving expression of God — to begin to understand where these lines are so you can hear yourself and hear others. Then and only then can you see the stage clearly enough to say “no” and reclaim your own power.

The vampire lacks these skills entirely and considers all feelings and all thoughts to be its own — this is a great article to read that is not my own — not realizing that it is the very “grand ownership” of all these things that cuts them off from the universe or real people and throws them into their own private hell.

When Nonsense is at the wheel, there is ONE destination. Nonsense creates a kind of gravity well, or a blackhole — it is the fixation, which I have talked about before. This fixation results from an obsession with the “scene” which drags the person into deeper and deeper pits. This blackhole resembles collectivism but that is the after-image — the byproduct in the physical. This is spiritual, or psychological, because reality “comes after.”

The blackhole is often represented by the undead, robots, bugs (and cyberpunk dystopias) — because it represents a total loss of agency — think the Borg. They become more of a force of nature, rather than anything consciously directed. The farther along one is on this path, the more physical they become, to where they have more in common with rocks than humans.

Again, whether one believes it is guided, or inherent to the process of becoming interfaced to God, those that possess more Nonsense than Sense will act as catalysts to each other to make them “wake up.” This is where when we are still stuck in duality we believe the world to be a kind of mirror. It is a mirror until you realize you are staring in a mirror — then it is about executing your own expression of life.

God will give you sign after sign to turn you to the righteous path. That is — coherence. Harmony. Balance with the universe. God will smack you upside the head with terrible suffering before rebooting you, because it is such a waste to start over.

In scenario two, realms can connect because all parties are situated on their thrones — meaning, it is like ships docking, rather than ships colliding. Co-creation and cooperation become emergent properties of sovereign self-expression. They are not enforced from the outside, but spontaneously rise from within from all parties. Compassion is chief amongst the requirements to create this “docking” procedure.

Those who choose to wake up realize that “compassion is the key” — while those who fail to wake up — that is, those who indulge in vice and excess and depend on others to interface themselves to God to “dump their garbage” — realize that “exploitation is the key.”

It is important to note that this should not be taken to be dualistic, because it is not. Life is, and anti-life “is not” — it is not an opposite — it is the absence of life. A glitch, because life just exists — it can NOT not. Understand? An attempt to “stop life” is the beginning of Nonsense. Attempting to stop life means rejecting that you have free will.

You can say God has a sense of humor by “humoring” you when you decide to pretend you do not have free will by allowing you to effectively to descend into deeper levels of hell until you have had enough.

Attentive readers will note that many religions and philosophies have similar hierarchical depictions of heaven/hell that greatly resemble a “spiral.” Something to remember in the future, as it isn’t a coincidence.

Life is too complicated to label any one thing as “good” or “evil” but rather understand that there are many patterns that destroy life our connection to God.

Folks who have been steeped in Nonsense for a long time become vampires. Even vampire-victims are just vampires-in-the-making. These are people who have more or less rejected their agency in favor of living in an highly evolved instinctual manner, like animals.

As the vampire descends on this path, more and more people in his life will become shadows. That is, even if there was once a real person behind the shadow, the vampire’s complete dominion over these people displaces any actual being they could exhibit in the vampire’s realm. The vampire has no use for being — the concept is omitted and so reality follows suit.

In real effect, he is creating actual “xeroxes” of people in its realm up to and including actual death of these people.

The vampire is like a gamer who prefers to play with bots than with real people but doesn’t have the slightest inkling they are choosing to do so of their own free will. They earnestly believe they are in the “same world” as the rest of the universe while they continue to play in “local mode.” They are totally oblivious to the multidimensional nature of the universe and how God is protecting the rest of the universe from them in a kind of self-imposed quarantine. Their “user interface” — their own life paradigm — strikes them blind.

Vampires are playing a game within a game and their entire functional paradigm is about creating games within games.

The more extreme the vampire goes to assert this dominion, the more people with being will leave, and people with non-being — who represent the vampire’s fears, shadows and demons — will surround the vampire. These people are the vampire’s own will returning to him — trying to come home.

From the perspective of the people who the vampire has ejected, the vampire will appear to die to them ; while from the vampire’s perspective, they will appear to become subservient to him. Both realities are happening.

Remember, we are all having our own dream. The first requisite to dreaming with “others” is to grant them compassion and agency, otherwise you are asking God to forbid it. This isn’t just an intellectual thing, but must be fundamental to your philosophy of life. If your paradigm preys on being and agency, then you have omitted these things by proxy. God is saying: “OK, play by yourself then, you aren’t hurting my other children.”

The vampire does not understand that there is no difference between the physical and the dream and has opted to actualize itself via turning its realm more or less into a nightmare — where people are not real, because it does not value their being, or their independent agency, because it terrifies it. People represent the unexpected, or potential, which the vampire omits in favor of more order and more determinism.

The “waking reality” of a vampire resembles a non-lucid dream, where everything is always turning the vampire into a victim. Hence, why the roles are interchangeable. The vampire tries to regain control by investing even more of its own will outside of itself.

As far as I can tell, vampires will create “dens” of subjects by creating connections for which they will use as transmutation vessels. Or perhaps a group of unawakened people is just a ‘co-dependent social circle’ if that is a tamer way of conveying the concept to you. That is, their victims, who don’t know any better, are transmuting feelings and thoughts that are not entirely their own while they just live their normal life.

The vampire can then live a life, even remotely, of total excess, while doing no actualization work (this is synonymous with rejecting God, or your own free will, by the way); they effectively create garbage disposals out of people for their own “anti-life” lifestyle. Projection, blame, excuses — but there is a real and spatial-irrelevant mechanic hidden from you that impacts everyone involved. This is not some kind of magic, but a kind of twisted abuse of inherent universal design. It is doubtful the vampire recognizes these mechanics, because they trigger like wild dogs when their source of food dries up.

When the vampire has driven all the “real” people from it’s realm, they will face a terrible crisis. They will find that their entire interface to God is a house of cards. The vampire will attempt to reclaim the people they have ejected, only to find out one of the following: they are “hollow” — meaning the soul has left their bodies, they are always at an unreachable distance, they are beset with insurmountable obstacles or errors that prevent contact, they follow the vampire’s will like narrative devices — Yes-Men who feel like they are puppets — or they are actually physically dead.

To really understand how deceptive reality can be here, you really must be willing to throw “yourself” — that is, the role of your Earthy self — out the door. An “obstacle that prevents contact” could be a harrowing inner-state of mind that compels you to self-isolate, but the effect is precisely the same. Or it could be a series of strange obstacles that really test whether you mean it. Do not underestimate the “narrative” reality can produce to convince you, because you are simply convincing yourself.

None of these problems can be rectified without compassion and allowing others to be — as well as forgiveness and recognition of one’s own role in disowning itself and its choices. But the vampire cannot do this easily — because this represents a level of surrender which is like causing a dam to break. It is admitting to a crippling vulnerability that it needs to be exposed to allow The Other to be — that also needs to be healed, because it has been mangled, which also requires trust. All of these are virtues & concepts that are “locked away” on purpose via the fundamental mechanics of the universe.

The vampire is playing a dangerous game of boomerang, trying to throw its own will farther and farther away.

As the vampire’s source of energy collapses, they will find they have done nothing to create a relationship to God. Their health will collapse in on itself because the body’s health itself is dependent on God — on a stable and clear channel which allows it to emanate. This is actually a forced awakening, kind of like being stuck in a smashed computer monitor, but a soul may be so far gone that it will have no choice but to reboot — aka, die, wipe the slate and start over with a better intention.

God has designed a universe where the “trash takes itself out” to ensure that no soul can trap another soul (including your own! God saves you from yourself!). The more you attempt to circumvent free will, the more your own will be taken from you. The vampire will continue to invest into the material realm thinking that this is where his power is, not understanding he is losing it more and more and inverting himself until the physical world becomes his master.

A vampire may one day find a scenario where they have created a kind of singularity situation for themselves. If too much of their “food” leaves, or dies because of the vampire’s excess, the vampire will lose control and be caught in its own black hole. The vampire so far gone will find there is nothing they can do once this occurs except surrender and hope they have enough will left to survive the reclamation and avoid a reboot. Should the vampire continue to struggle, this is like a Chinese finger trap — it represents even more loss of will.

Isn’t it fascinating that out of all the crew, it is Data who can’t figure out the Chinese finger trap? This is because computers, like vampires, robots and bugs have no concept of surrender, faith, and other higher concepts required to get out of the trap.

Surrender here is essentially “repentance.” Repentance cannot happen so long as the vampire continues to seek out sources of light other than its own — other than a link to God. This is not an overnight process, as I can personally attest. It has taken me 30+ years to really get in touch with the universe/God/myself and it requires constant practice. I have also undergone my own terrible suffering and repentance. Imagine someone who has forgone this process altogether?

Does your money seem to come to you as a result of your passion for life, or service to others? Then you either consciously know or intuitively know that “money is part of the scene.” When you understand unity, then “all is one” — the money is an extension of the expression you produce.

Does money come to you from rigorous schedules, exploiting others, whipping yourself, working dumber rather than smarter, or otherwise from a sense of fatigue or exhaustion? Likely, you are walking the path of the vampire. You have placed the value of money above yourself, and so money becomes a point of inversion — a fixation — from which you are sucking yourself dry. The world is what is sucking you dry and the more you blame the world, the more it sucks you dry and forces you to concoct more elaborate measures of dominion.

As Ra speaks about and as I have spoken about, there may be a very narrow path of actualization along the path of the vampire, but your life would likely resemble something out of a horror show, where you are the big bad monster thinking everyone else is evil. Your life would resemble constant strife, as this represents a kind of juggling act of “throwing away your will” faster than it returns to you. Not recommended.

It is critical to note that Nonsense will speak to you both in “reality” and dreams because there is no functional difference. In “reality”, Nonsense will breadcrumb you and attempt to subvert your will by a thousand cuts. Nonsense can and will speak through other people, as Nonsense is essentially can be considered a kind of “dead collective.” It is sort of a chaotic noise underneath the universe that always exists. The clearer someone has a connection to themselves and God, the less “noise” will be on the line.

In dreams, Nonsense is quicker, more matter of fact ; anyone who has had a nightmare can attest.

Remember, folks. Vampires cannot reach you if you do not agree to play a role in their play. You agree when you give into anger, resentment, or victimize yourself. Vampires do not have agency. Religion used to call these people “possessed” for a reason.

If you want to become an exorcist — which is very noble because there is a real soul lost underneath Nonsense — don’t learn elaborate recitations and slap people on the forehead with holy water — become the best expression of yourself. Seriously. You affect people just by existing. Double-down on whatever you love to do. Nonsense effing hates it. Love becomes a horrible torment for people’s Nonsense because it forces their soul to see it.

Your job in all cases is to remain calm, peaceful and untriggered while staying hyper-focused on your own joy and expression of life, no matter what attempts to derail you, or whisper in your ear. It is to surrender and have faith, because you already know yourself. You are “right there” before any thought occurs to you. You “know” exactly what you want right now and need no words to express it. Just stop there and go! God will be with you.

You only stop knowing yourself when you agree to doubt which cracks open the door for Nonsense, who is a professional breadcrumber. Don’t believe me? Well, you just introduced doubt, didn’t you? And now you are arguing. You need to train yourself not to argue, because you are “before argument.”

Arguing just empowers Nonsense to track you down. Don’t give Nonsense a map, OK?

That’s enough for now. I’ll try to bring more clarity to these issues in the future, but I wanted to get something down. Out!

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